Research on Financial Management of Small and Medium -sized Enterprises
Abstract:Since China's reform and opening up, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an important influence on China's economic development, social stability, and the issue of employment. However, with the rapid development in society and economy, there are various problems in the area of SMEs' system coming up. The object of study in this paper is SMEs. It combines with the specific case of Hainan Shuangcheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, in order to analyze the results of the development of SMEs' financial management, as well as the existing problems. In addition, this paper will come up with some relevant solutions to enhance the core position of SMEs, based on related knowledge that I learnt before.
Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprises; Financial management; Problem; Countermeasure
0引言 1
1中小企业及财务管理概述 1
1.1中小企业的概念 1
1.2财务管理概述 2
1.2.1财务管理的概念及意义 2
1.2.2财务管理的目标 2
2中小企业财务管理中存在的问题 4
2.1分支机构多,财务控制薄弱 5
2.2融资难,资金周转不足 5
2.3投资能力差,缺乏科学性 6
2.4财务机构设置不合理,缺乏人才 6
2.4.1财务机构设置问题 6
2.4.2财会人员素质问题 6
2.5管理模式僵化,管理理念落后 7
3解决中小企业财务管理问题的对策 7
3.1加强财务控制,实行标准化体系 8
3.2拓宽融资渠道,优化资金利用方式 8
3.3科学投资,规避风险 9
3.4建立健全内部控制制度,加强财会队伍建设 9
3.5转变管理理念,更新管理模式 10
4案例分析—以海南双成药业股份有限公司为例 10
4.1企业基本情况 10
4.2海南双成药业股份有限公司财务管理问题 11
4.2.1资产管理不善 11
4.2.2融资方式单一,资金短缺 13
4.2.3盲目投资,缺乏风险意识 14
4.2.4会计机构设置简单,财会人员素质低 14
4.2.5粗放型的管理模式,财务管理意识淡薄 15