    关键词  可持续发展报告  经济效率  社会公益投入率
    Title  Corporate Perspectives on the Development and Use of Sustainability Reports       
    In modern society, "sustainable" concept in the enterprise is getting more and more attention. Sustainable business is an important way and socially sustainable basis. From a certain point of view, only enterprises to achieve sustainable development,social advancement possible in the direction of sustainable development. In this paper, starting with the relationship between sustainable development and non-governmental organizations and the relationship between business and government, we analyzed the importance of sustainable development report for the company and its stakeholders; Secondly, starting from the actual data, sustainable development Report in practice of our various energy sectors, such as the disclosure report and its impact on China's energy business investment rate of economic and social welfare, etc. empirical analysis. Finally, the article outlines the empirical results based on sustainability reporting may exist in the implementation of China's enterprises in question, and proposed to solve the current problems of the corresponding proposal, to predict the future trends in sustainability reporting.
    Keywords  Sustainable development   Economic Efficiency Social welfare investment rate
     目   录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究目的    1
    1.3研究内容    1
    1.4研究方法    2
    2.1国外文献综述    4
    2.2国内文献综述    4
    3 相关理论介绍    6
    3.1 企业可持续发展的含义    6
    3.2可持续发展报告对企业发展的意义    6
    4研究设计    8
    4.1研究假设    8
    4.3样本选择与数据来源    8
    4.4变量设计    9
    5实证分析    11
    5.1描述性分析    11
    5.2相关性分析    12
    5.3回归性分析    13
    6企业可持续发展存在的问题及解决方案    14
    6.1存在问题    14
    6.2解决方案    14
    结 论    16
    致  谢    17
    1 绪论
    2012 年,在里约20加联合国可持续发展大会成果文件中,对于大型企业和上市的企业编制可持续发展报告并向社会公开的举动表明了鲜明的鼓励和支持的态度。在此之后,各个国家政府也相继成立第47 段之友组织,致力于建立一个既能增加收入、使人们拥有体面工作和消除贫穷又能保护环境的健康的,既能有助于实现社会长期发展目标又能对实现可持续发展有帮助的环保经济。
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