    摘要: 随着现代信息技术迅速发展,以及经济全球化对国内经济的影响,传统会计曾经依存的社会经济环境正面临变革与挑战,而财务工作日趋细化、企业对财务工作的要求也越来越高,如何提升自身的竞争力,降低成本,提升管理,提高客户服务质量已越来越为企业管理人员所重视。ERP系统实现了生产管理和财务管理等功能的集成,从生产、销售、采购各个方面进行数据的收集,实现了对整个企业供应链的管理,使企业财务管理方式有了质的飞跃,适应了企业在知识经济时代市场竞争的需要。28265
    本文首先简单介绍了ERP 的基本定义和组成模块,提出了ERP系统与传统财务工作的差异与优势,在现有的基础上重点分析了ERP系统在财务工作中的具体应用以及ERP系统在应用中的问题,并且提出自己的解决方案。为中国企业ERP系统的应用提供了可借鉴的经验。
    毕业论文关键词: 成本管理;ERP系统;财务工作;
    To discuss the influence of ERP on enterprise financial work
    Abstract:With the rapid development of modern information technology, and the impact of economic globalization on the domestic economy, the traditional accounting once dependent social economic environment change and challenge, and increasingly refined, enterprise financial work is becoming more and more high to the requirement of financial management, how to improve their competitiveness, reduce costs, improve management, improve the quality of customer service has been more and more attention by enterprise managers. ERP for production management and financial management functions such as integration of all aspects from production, sales and purchase for data collection, implements the management of the whole enterprise supply chain, make the enterprise financial management mode has a qualitative leap,adapted to the needs of the enterprise market competition in the era of knowledge-driven economy.
    This paper firstly introduces the basic concept of ERP and module , put the differences between the ERP and the traditional financial work and advantage, on the basis of the existing analyses of ERP in financial work of the specific application and problems in the application of ERP, and put forward their own solutions. For the Chinese enterprises can be drawn lessons from for the application of ERP experience.                                                                                                                            
    Keywords: Cost management;Enterprise Resource Planning ;financial work;
    目  录
    三、    ERP系统在企业财务工作中的应用6
    四、    ERP系统在企业财务工作应用中存在的问题8
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