    Theory of substance over form principle and its application in accounting practice
    Abstract:Since 1997 since the substance over form principle are written to the our country accounting principle, this principle has received numerous accounting theory and accounting practice workers in our country the common recognition and application. In recent years, some major cases of listed companies in China to judge, also used many times, the principle of substance over form, making the possibility of economic loss to timely recover, substance over form principle for the original accounting principle adds more rigorous description, make accounting standards more rigorous. So the substance over form principle, to further understand the essence of accounting principles is beneficial; Not only that, substance over form accounting principles through the study of the system, not only can to build our country's financial accounting conceptual framework, help to perfect our system of accounting standards, can also in the implementation process of the international convergence of accounting standards in our country, such as in terms of standards in the process of writing, concept, connotation, audit risk prevention, etc., to provide a lot of reference and reference. In addition, the substance over form the application of accounting principles in practice, will help promoting our country’s accounting personnel professional judgment ability.
    Key words: Substance over form,Accounting Standards,
    Professional judgment,Accounting practice
    绪论    1
    一、实质重于形式原则概述    2
    (一)实质重于形式原则的定义    2
    (二)实质重于形式原则的重要性    2
    二、实质重于形式原则在会计实务中的具体体现    4
    (一)在固定资产核算中的应用    4
    (二)在无形资产核算中的应用    4
    (三)在商品销售收入核算中的应用    5
     (五) 在售后租回业务核算中的用.6
    三、案例分析    7
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