    关键词: 女性董事 证券欺诈  公司治理
    The board director of gender structure And securities fraud
    Abstract: Fraud is very common in today’s market. The 2016 the institute of certified fraud examiner (ACFE)Report to the Nations on occupational Fraud and Abuse estimated that the typical organization loses 5% of revenues in a given year as a result of fraud. The problem of corporate governance is the root of the fraud, therefore, it is very urgent to improve corporate governance. The board as a internal mechanism is the core of the corporate governance, so there has been an increasing focus on board persity, particularly gender persity, as a means of improving corporate governance, but results are different, so we use the data of Chinese firms from 2013 to 2015 that committed securities fraud and it’s matching company to researched the board director of gender persity’s influence on securities fraud, and the following two conclusions are obtained. First, based on the psychology and management theory of gender differences research, we found that the board gender persity can reduce the possibility of a fraud. Second, the board gender persity can moderate that the severity of the fraud.
    Key words: female director; securities fraud; corporate governance
    目  录
    关键词 1
    Abstract 1
    Key words 1
    (二)单变量检验 10
    (三)回归分析 11
    五、研究结论 12
    致谢 13
    参考文献 13
    随着资本市场的迅猛发展,越来越多的百姓开始作为投资者参与资本市场中来,但信息的不对称以及证券公司的盈利性及信息不透明,为上市公司提供了违规的便利,将投资者的利益置之不顾。可以说欺诈违规行为如影随形的伴随着中国证券市场的发展,如中国在20世纪90年代末发生的东方锅炉、琼民源 、红光实业等欺诈事件震惊股市。在近十来年中,虽然随着监管机构的不断发力整治以及国家出台日益严苛的法律法规予以控制,越来越多的欺诈行为被披露、处置,但国内欺诈行为仍在与日俱增,如猴王股份、银广夏、獐子岛等事件。国外资本市场也经历了华尔街证券分析师资信状况受到质疑,以及安然事件等,不仅使群众失去对披露的会计信息的信任,损害投资者利益,而且为社会经济的发展也埋下了隐患。因此证券欺诈现象不仅成为危害中国市场环境的毒瘤,更是亟待解决的全球性的问题。
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