    Study of the capital structure of listed companies
    Abstract:Capital structure is a delegate with debt, preferred stock and common equity enterprise all sorts of capital composition and proportion relationship. Since 1958 MM theory of capital structure problem has always been constant attention in the field of financial economy, capital structure research also unceasingly thoroughly. The study of capital structure theory became a hot area economy, from the early capital structure theory of capital structure theory, they all studied the capital structure optimization problems from different angles.
    Related enterprise capital structure reflects the rights and obligations of the company governance structure influence and determine effect, which affect the behavior of the enterprise and value. So this article from the study of the capital structure of listed companies, through the study of capital structure of listed companies, found that the capital structure of listed companies related problems and reasons, finally put forward the Suggestions to solve the problem of capital structure. It is beneficial to improve the corporate governance mechanism, increase the efficiency of enterprise financing and management, so as to realize the rational allocation of corporate resources, to promote sustained, healthy and rapid development of enterprises.
    Key words: The listed company; Capital structure; Corporate governance; The enterprise value; Optimization
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究意义    1
        (三)资本结构理论概述    1
    1、早期资本结构理论    2
        2、现代资本结构理论    2
            3、新资本结构理论    2
        4、后资本结构理论    3
    5、国内学者关于资本结构理论的研究    3
    二、我国上市公司资本结构的现状及存在的问题    4
    (一)股权融资为主    4
    (二)较低的资产负债率,较高的流动负债率    5
    (三)较低的内源融资,较高的外源融资    5
    (四)股权分置改革后面临的新问题    5
    三、我国上市公司资本结构影响因素分析    5
    (一)国家因素    5
    (二)宏观经济因素    6
    1、宏观经济的基本状况    6
    2、资本市场的发展程度    7
    3、宏观经济政策    7
    (三)法律制度因素    7
    (四)产品市场竞争    7
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