    毕业论文关键词:会计信息化 会计职能 传统会计 影响
    The influence of accounting information on the traditional accounting functions
    Abstract: 21st century has entered the information age, with the continuous development and popularization of information technology, and the electronic commerce rapid rise, all do set the stage for the development of accounting information, and provides the opportunity and challenges, and put forward higher requirements for the transformation of traditional accounting function and accounting information. This article from the characteristics and content of accounting information, and the content of the traditional accounting function as a starting point to do some in-depth study of the relationship between the accounting information and the traditional accounting functions, and discusses the influence of accounting information to traditional accounting functions, accounting supervision function and  participate in business decisions of accounting reflect function , and through the case analysis. This paper also puts forward the problems in the development of accounting information, and also gave my opinion and Suggestions on these problems.
    Keywords: Accounting information; Accounting functions; Traditional accounting; Influence.
    引言    - 1 -
    一、会计信息化的概念及特点    - 2 -
    (一)会计信息化的概念    - 2 -
    (二)会计信息化的特点    - 2 -
    1、全面性    - 2 -
    2、开放性    - 2 -
    3、动态性    - 3 -
    4、多元化    - 3 -
    5、渐进性    - 3 -
    二、传统会计职能的内容    - 3 -
    (一)反映职能    - 3 -
    (二)监督职能    - 4 -
    (三)参与经营决策    - 4 -
    三、会计信息化对传统会计职能的影响    - 4 -
    (一)会计信息化对会计反映职能的影响    - 4 -
    1、对会计记账规则的影响    - 4 -
    2、对组织体系的影响    - 6 -
    3、对账务处理程序的影响    - 6 -
    (二)会计信息化对会计监督职能的影响    - 7 -
    1、对审计工作的影响    - 7 -
    2、对内部控制的影响    - 9 -
    (三)会计信息化对参与经济决策的影响    - 10 -
    四、案例分析    - 11 -
    五、加快会计信息化发展的建议    - 15 -
    (一)提高对会计信息化的认识    - 15 -
    (二)加强对会计信息化理论的研究    - 16 -
    (三)加大开发网络财务软件的力度    - 16 -
    (四)培养会计信息化复合型的人才    - 17 -
    (五)加强对计算机网络风险的控制和防范    - 17 -
    优尔、    结论    -18-
    致  谢    -19-
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