    毕业论文关键字:食品; 社会责任; 激励; 安全; 应急;绩效
    The research on the social responsibility regulation of the core enterprise in the supply chain to the non core enterprise
    Corporate social responsibility is often described as a part of the company's business model and strategic plan.. In a perfect world, corporate social responsibility means that the business monitoring itself, to ensure that it meets the law, ethics, environment, cross business and international standards. This is the corporate social responsibility that can promote and support communities, countries and global reasons. Enterprise through corporate philanthropy, public welfare related marketing, sponsorship.
    This paper is pided into seven chapters. First chapter is the introduction mainly introduces the status of corporate social responsibility. The second chapter on corporate social responsibility of food sense analysis, the third chapter mainly carries on the analysis in view of the early warning mechanism, the fourth chapter corporate social responsibility for the incentive mechanism. Chapter five is discussion of supply chain enterprise social responsibility performance evaluation mechanism. The sixth chapter mainly focus on the emergency response mechanism of supply chain is discussed. Chapter seven is mainly to supply chain enterprise social responsibility and the conclusions.
    一、绪论    5
    (一)选题背景及研究目的、意义    6
    1、选题背景    6
    2、 选题的研究目的、意义    6
    二、供应链核心企业的社会责任研究    7
    (一)核心企业在供应链管理中的角色    7
    (二)供应链核心企业社会责任中的原则和问题    8
    1、供应链核心企业间社会责任的原则    8
    2、供应链核心企业社会责任存在的问题    8
    (三)供应链战略伙伴关系的构建    9
    1、供应链战略伙伴关系的意义    9
    2、供应链战略伙伴关系的构建过程    9
    三、供应链企业社会责任预警机制    10
    (一)供应链核心企业的预警机制    10
    1、构建供应链风险预警机制的必要性    10
    2、供应链风险预警机制构建的基本原则    11
    (二) 供应链核心企业预警机制的构成    12
    1、供应链核心企业预警机制的构成的要素    13
    2、 有效的预警机制的建立    14
    四、供应链企业社会责任激励机制    16
    (一)供应链核心企业激励机制    16
    1、激励的主体、客体    17
    2、目标激励    17
    3、激励方式的重要性    17
    (二)供应链企业之间的激励    18
    1、核心企业对成员企业的激励    18
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