




    Research on the Quality of Accounting Information Disclosure of Listing Corporation

    ——Based on the Data of 20 Media Enterprises


    Accounting information disclosure is an important link between enterprises and investors. The quality of the accounting information disclosure of listed companies will not only affect the decision of the investors, but also affects the development of the securities market. High quality of information disclosure is helpful for health of building multi-level capital market. This article mainly from the contrast and differences of the quality of information disclosure of China and the United States, analysis the present situation of the quality of accounting information disclosure of listed companies in our country, and from inside the listed company and investor, government external two aspects analysis factors affecting the quality of accounting information disclosure of listed companies in our country.

    This article selects the 20 media companies listed in shenzhen stock exchange from 2012 to 2014, three years as a result, the accounting information disclosure to the assessment of the panel data model is set up, from the equity concentration, the company size, company profitability, asset-liability ratio and the proportion of independent board these five factors, affecting the quality of accounting information disclosure for empirical research, finally believe in media industry, the influence factors of accounting information disclosure is mainly the company size, asset-liability ratio, and the proportion of independent board of directors.

    Finally, recommend some advice to change our country present situation and problems of the accounting information disclosure of listed company. 

    Key Words: listed company  information announcing quality  Media industry

     目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 IV

    一、导论 1

    (一)研究背景与意义 1

    (二)文献综述 1

    二、会计信息披露质量的现状 3

    (一)会计信息披露 3

    (二)我国会计信息披露质量 3

    (三)中外会计信息披露质量对比 4

    三、影响我国上市会计信息披露质量的因素 5

    (一)内部因素 5


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