



    Research on the disclosure of corporate environmental accounting information in China

    Abstract: With the rapid development of China's economy and the rapid increase of population, China's environmental problems continue to be serious, so that people realize the importance of environmental issues. Only coordinated economy and environment, so that the two common development, in order to achieve the most ideal state. Environmental accounting requires enterprises not only to pursue economic profits but also to take into account the social environment. Environmental accounting information is the management of the enterprise, the state's macro regulation and control, etc. are playing an important role. The disclosure of environmental accounting information is produced on the basis of sustainable development, and it has an irreplaceable value to protect and control the environment.

    China's environmental accounting information started late, there are many deficiencies, the accounting subject is not clear, the law is not perfect, and other issues have caused the concern of a large number of social workers. The main purpose of this paper is on the basis of environmental accounting information disclosure of the concept, characteristics and principle of environmental accounting information disclosure mode and content, and environmental accounting information disclosure in our country the research present situation and the question, according to China's environmental accounting information disclosure problems analysis to put forward the concrete suggestion.

    Key Words: environmental accounting  information disclosure  environmental accounting report

    目    录


    Abstract Ⅱ


    一、引言 1

    二、环境会计信息披露的概述 3

    (一)环境会计信息披露的概念与特点 3

    (二)环境会计信息披露的原则 3

    三、环境会计信息披露的模式类型及内容 5

    (一)原会计报告的修改及其披露的内容 5

    (二)独立的环境会计报告及其披露的内容 6

    四、我国环境会计信息披露的研究现状和存在的问题 9

    (一)我国环境会计信息披露的研究现状 9

    (二)我国环境会计信息披露的问题 10

    五、我国环境会计信息披露存在问题的原因分析 13


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