

    毕业论文关键词: 注册会计师;审计风险;成因;防范措施

    Certified public accountants audit risk and measures

    Abstract:Classification of ownership and management of enterprise operation mode, actuating the generation and development of certified public accountants audit industry. In recent years, along with the development of market economy in our country and improve and perfect the capital market process of ascension, the certified public accountants audit as a control mechanism is an important part of market economy, in promoting the economic and efficient operation, plays a vital role. But, at the same time, the auditing profession in the prosperous development of certified public accountants still exist many short board problems and potential risks, and certified public accountants audit risk is the most common and one of the risk of damage to the strongest force. And, as the growing complexity of the enterprise development, and financial innovation emerge in endlessly, certified public accountants audit risk is facing increasingly serious. Therefore, this article is based on the new time background and the environmental factors of our country, the current situation of our country the cause of certified public accountants audit risk prevention, on the basis of combing analysis, risk with specific cases, and for Chinese certified public accountants audit risk prevention to provide the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions, so as to promote the healthy and continuous development of the audit industry.

    KeyWords:Certified public accountants; Audit risk; Genesis; Measures to prevent

    目  录

    引言 1

    一、注册会计师审计风险的概述 2

    (一) 注册会计师审计风险的概念界定 2

    (二) 注册会计师审计风险的基本特征 2

    (三) 注册会计师审计风险的类型 2

    二、我国注册会计师审计风险的成因及防范现状分析 4

    (一) 我国注册会计师审计风险的成因分析 4

    1、 审计项目的风险因素 4

    2、 会计师事务所的风险因素 4

    3、 审计行业的风险因素 5

    (二) 我国注册会计师审计风险防范的现状剖析 5

    三、审计风险的具体案例分析 6

    (一)万福生科审计风险的案例简介 6

    1、  万福生科财务造假案的曝光 6

    2、  万福生科财务造假的实施手段

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