    毕业论文关键词:人本主义; 管理学; 人力资源会计
    The era of knowledge economy, innovation push the progress of The Times, talent is the driving force of innovation, the role of human resources in enterprises more and more important. Humanistic management thought, the person is the center of the enterprise all activities, management is a form of activity, management relations is the relationship between people, so should set up the top management is the management of people. Humanistic thought more and more important in the position in modern management. The arrival of knowledge economy makes accounting happened from "the doctrine" to "humanism" of the revolution, the human resource accounting. Human resource accounting is a new branch in the accounting field, in the human resource accounting in our country there is a great shortage of the advance of applications, such as in the financial reports of some enterprises in China, human resource accounting information disclosure is obviously inadequate.
    In this article, first of all, combing the basic theory of human resource accounting, human resource accounting in our country the present situation of the implementation, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the human resource accounting in our country on the application, and analyzes the cause of the problem, put forward the improvement suggestion for last question.
    Key words: humanism; Management; Human resource accounting
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、相关理论基础    - 1 -
    ㈠ 人力资源会计的基本假设    - 1 -
    ㈡ 人力资源会计的研究对象    - 2 -
    二、我国人力资源会计现状    - 2 -
    ㈠ 财务信息使用者方面    - 2 -
    ㈡ 企业内部管理方面    - 2 -
    ㈢ 财务会计核算原则方面    - 3 -
    三、我国的人力资源会计存在问题及其缘由    - 3 -
    ㈠ 我国人力资源会计的问题    - 3 -
    ㈡ 这些问题的缘由    - 6 -
    四、一些关于我国人力资源会计发展的分析意见    - 8 -
    ㈠ 明确对人力资产确认方面的对策    - 8 -
    ㈡ 建议完善人力资源会计的会计计量    - 9 -
    ㈢ 完善人力资源会计披露的对策建议    - 10 -
    ㈣ 加强评估人员的评估能力和职业道德教育    - 12 -
    ㈤ 加强有利于人力资源会计实施的环境创建    - 12 -
    五、结论    - 13 -
    参考文献    - 15 -
    致    谢    - 16 -
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