    The material basis for the survival and development of enterprises is to obtain benefits, and profitability is to obtain a visual representation of the interests and at the same time, profitability is also the embodiment of one of the specific indicators of business performance and management efficiency. Profitability not only on behalf of the level of profitability of enterprises, also and return on investment of investors, creditors of the security bond, is related to the rights of shareholders and the interests of the employees.  Han's laser is one of the world's main laser processing equipment manufacturers, ranked the world laser enterprises the top three, domestic laser devices share the first, is the leader in the domestic laser enterprises. Through on the profitability of the enterprise. Analysis, and the influence factors and indicators were analyzed, so as to explore the countermeasures to improve the profitability of the business, can enable managers to more intuitively recognize enterprises operating problems and loopholes in management, can the effective remedy against, in order to enhance the profitability of enterprises, get more benefits.
    Key words:Profitability;profit;Administration
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2研究内容及研究思路    1
    1.2.1研究内容    1
    1.2.2研究思路    1
    1.3研究方法    1
    第二章  盈利能力相关理论概述    3
    2.1盈利能力内涵    3
    2.2盈利能力分析的意义和目的    3
    2.3盈利能力分析的相关指标    3
    2.4影响盈利能力的因素    4
    第三章 大族激光科技股份有限公司盈利能力分析与评价    6
    3.1大族激光科技股份有限公司的概况    6
    3.1.1公司简介    6
    3.1.2公司近况和发展前景    6
    3.2大族激光科技股份有限公司盈利能力的各项评价指标分析    7
    3.2.1净资产收益率    7
    3.2.1总资产利润率    7
    3.2.3每股收益    8
    3.2.4普通股权益报酬率    9
    3.2.5成本费用利润率    9
    3.2.6销售利润率    10
    3.3大族激光科技股份有限公司盈利能力存在的问题    11
    3.3.1管理制度不完善,成本控制有待加强    11
    3.3.2扩张过快    11
    3.3.3缺乏创新型人才    11
    3.3.4资金利用率不高    12
    第四章  改善大族激光科技股份有限公司盈利能力的建议    13
    4.1转变管理模式,实行精确化管理    13
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