


    On the supervision of accounting information quality in electronic commerce

    Abstract: As the explosive development of the Internet and intelligent terminal’s technology, the electronic commercial enterprise, such as Taobao ,Jingdong, which rely on the Internet development has becoming the mainstream of the commercial consumption and enterprise’s procurement. In addition, these commercial channels increasingly occupy the mainstream status of the present economic structure. A large number of accounting information that was produced by the electronic commercial methods is badly in need of one measure which combines the timeliness and authenticity to dispose. At present, the development of accounting information processing mode in our country is far less than the speed of the expansion of this new business model. Under the background that the accounting information produced by the entities in our country is lack of supervision and authenticity.The vast number of e-commerce enterprises in the daily business will inevitably encounter a variety of issues related to the preparation and review of the relevant accounting information,These lack of supervision of the accounting information processing mode will lead to bad accounting information flowing into the hands of enterprise managers and relevant government inspectors, which causes the erroneous judgment of the enterprise management situation and the barrier to the tax collection, even the destruction of the regional economic development environment and create adverse impact on China's current efforts to deepen economic reform.Therefore, identifying the way that accounting information supervision in current e-commerce environment, finding out the defects and filling gaps that lack of investigation are imperative.

    KeyWords: internet;electronic commerce;accounting information quality;authenticity of accounting information;accounting supervision


    一、绪论 1

    二、会计信息真实性的基本理论 2

    (一) 会计信息真实性的基本概念 2

    (二) 会计信息真实性的评价标准 2

    三、我国电子商务公司会计信息真实性的现状分析 3

    (二) 电商企业财务数据安全问题 3

        1、 网络信息安全方面 3

        2、 电子商务交易方面 3

    (二) 电商企业的相关税费申报问题[3]

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