


    The status quo and Countermeasures of financial management in manufacturing enterprises -- Taking Shanghai Baoyan company as an example 

    Abstract: Financial management is an important part of enterprise management, which is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. Financial management plays an important role in improving the management and the economic efficiency of enterprises. Discuss that their financial management model is backward, the target is not clear, the mechanism is not perfect, the financial control is poor, the level of financial personnel is low and so on,。And put forward to improve the management of the company's financial management awareness, set up the correct financial management objectives, establish and improve the financial management system, strengthen the management of funds , pay attention to the training of financial personnel and other measures to solve the above situation, and hope to improve the financial management of modern enterprises to provide reference. 

    Keyword:Financial management awareness;target;financial management system


    绪论 1

    一、财务管理研究的理论综述 2

    (一)国外研究现状 2

    (二)国内研究现状 2

    二、财务管理的理论基础 4

    (一)财务管理的目标与内容 4

    (二)制造企业财务管理的特点 4

    三、上海宝研公司财务管理研究 6

    (一)宝研公司简介 6

    (二)宝研公司的财务管理现状 6

    (三)宝研公司财务管理存在的具体问题 7

    1、财务管理模式落后 7

    2、财务管理目标不明确 7

    3、财务管理机制不够健全 8

    4、财务控制力差 8

    5、企业财务人员业务水平低下财务部人员信息表 9

    四、解决宝研公司财务管理问题的对策 12

    (一)有效转变财务管理模式 12

    (二)提高公司管理者的财务管理意识 12

    (三)树立正确的财务管理目标 12

    (四)建立完善的财务管理制度 13

    (五)强化资金管理,加强财务控制 14

    (六)注重财务人员的培养,提高财务管理人员的业务水平 14

    总结 16

    致  谢

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