
    摘要:近几年,随着经济全球化和企业竞争加剧,促进了企业并购行为的发生,尤其是企业跨国并购越来越普遍。跨国并购作为企业增强自身实力、开发国际市场的一种新型并购形式,掀起了经济发展全球化新的高潮。但是在其发展过程当中不可避免的暴露出诸多问题,尤其是跨文化管理。本文正是在这种背景下,研究跨国并购企业的文化整合。本文首先对并购的相关理论进行了梳理。然后对我国企业跨国并购的现状进行分析。本文将从跨文化管理概念、跨文化管理研究发展现状、跨文化管理模式几个方面,对目前的研究进行系统的归纳,从而提出一些有利于我国企业跨国并购的跨文化管理模式。 47596


     Abstract: In the past few years,Economic globalization and enterprise competition intensifying, greatly stimulated the M&A of enterprises, especially multinational M&A is becoming increasingly commonplace. Transnational mergers and acquisitions as enterprises to enhance their strength, to develop the international market of a new form of mergers and acquisitions, set off a new high tide of globalization of economic development. But in the developing   process of inevitable exposed many problems, especially the cross-cultural management.  just under this backdrop, the thesis studied on the cultural integration of multinational merger and acquisition enterprises. This essay firstly process the associative theories of mergence, and analysis theactuality of the cross nations mergence of domestic firms. This article from the concept of cross-cultural management, cross-cultural management research development present situation, cross-cultural management mode from several aspects, for the current study systematically summarized, so as to put forward some beneficial to our country enterprise transnational merger and acquisition of cross-cultural management mode. 


    Keyword:The concept of corporate culture management ;cross-cultural management;            management models


    1引言 2

    1.1研究的背景和意义 2

    1.2研究的内容 2

    1.2.1跨国并购过程中的文化冲突的成因。 2

    1.2.2跨国并购中文化冲突的表现形式。 2

    运用文献研究法,从企业文化的冲突 2

    1.2.3通过对我国企业并购过程中的跨文化管理问题,进行多案例分析。 3

    1.3拟解决的基本问题 3

    1.3.1企业跨国并购过程中跨文化管理的成因及表现形式。 3

    1.3.2在横向并购发展背景下,中国企业并购过程中所遇到的跨文化管理问题,就其发展现状与问题具体分析。 3

    1.3.3基于跨文化背景,中国企业在今后的跨国并购中如何对跨文化进行管理,就其管理模式进行创新。 3

    1.4研究方法 3

    1.4.1文献研究法 3

    1.4.2案例研究法 4

    1.4.3 SWOT分析法 4

    1.5技术路线 5

    1.6本文创新点 5

    2文献综述 6


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