


    Government grants, corporate debt and corporate performance

    ABSTRACT: In recent years, with GDP growth again become the focus of two of the provinces, the provincial local government burdened the construction of economic development, local government debt financing become one of the main measures of the government to raise funds for economic development; and local businesses as local economic development an important pillar of its economic interests and create also an important factor for local economic development. To this end, most companies are beginning to adopt debt management to the development of enterprises, and government through corporate grants to help corporate debt financing to meet the needs of enterprise development, to facilitate enterprises to create more profits. In view of this, the paper choose the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies 2012--2013 years of economic data for the initial sample, the empirical test of the government subsidy, the relationship between corporate debt and corporate performance. The results show that the size of liabilities business traction significant government subsidies, the greater corporate debt, more government grants; government subsidies to promote enterprise performance, but because of its role in promoting increased corporate debt is reduced. In order to improve business performance and avoid the risk of debt, debt control paper size enterprises and give full play to the positive role of government grants make relevant recommendations.

    Key Words: Local government debt; Corporate debt; Corporate Performance

    目   录

    摘要: I


    一、引言 1

    二、 文献回顾及研究假设 2

    (一)地方政府负债的研究现状 2

    (二)企业负债与企业绩效的关系 2

    (三)政府补助与企业绩效的关系 3

       (四)研究假设 3

    三、 实证研究 4

    (一)样本选择与数据来源 4

    (二)企业负债规模、政府补助、企业绩效等变量的设计 4

    (三)模型建立 6

    四、 实证结果 8

    (一) 描述性统计 9

    (二)回归结果 10

    五、结论与建议 14


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