Abstract: With the advent of the 21st century, the era of the Internet economy has a great impact on the economic system under the traditional context, Breaking the entire social-economic structure and the traditional enterprise management mode,but also for the subsequent development of the accounting change management provides a broad platform and opportunity.In this paper,we'll take Nanjing ChuangRan heating equipment Engineering Co as an example, introduces the company in the wave of reform in the difficulties and problems,and make accounting system to rebuild the network economy environment, strengthen safety supervision and accounting management and other appropriate remedies.
Keywords: the Internet economy ,traditional accounting management,accounting process,safety oversight system
1 引言 3
2 新旧背景下会计管理的区别 3
2.1 传统会计管理的定义 3
2.2 传统会计管理的特点 3
2.3 网络经济下会计管理的涵义 4
2.4 网络经济下会计管理的特点 4
3 南京创然工程有限公司简介 5
4 网络经济下南京创然公司会计管理存在的问题 6
4.1 传统从业人员出错频繁 6
4.2 会计核算流程混乱 7
4.3 会计管理安全性堪忧 8
4.4 监督体系形同虚设 9
5 网络经济环境下公司应采取的措施 10
5.1 提高会计人员素质 10
5.2 重建公司核算流程 11
5.3 加强内外部安全性管理 12
5.4 加强公司监督条例的实施 13
结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
1 引言