毕业论文关键词 无形资产 股价 相关性
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The correlation of intangible assets with the listed company’s share price: Take the pharmaceutical and biological products industry for example
Abstract The paper selected the financial data of the sample firms from 2010 to 2014 to discuss the correlation of the listed companies’ intangible assets with their share price, using the statistical empirical analysis。 This paper is pided into two parts to verify: the correlation of the whole intangible assets with their share price and the impact of different types of intangible assets on stock prise。 The results show that the intangible assets of listed companies have a significant and positive impact on share price。 Effects of different kinds of intangible assets on stock prise are obviously different。 Therefore, this paper suggested that the country’s relevant regulatory authorities to strengthen the audit and management of intangible assets disclosure of information, in particular the disclosure of different kinds of intangible assets to provide more effective information to help the shareholders and the general investors make their decisions。 The state is suggested to establish a good high-tech and investment market, strengthening the support policies intangible emphasis and deepening the emerging industries and high-tech enterprises。
Keywords intangible assets share price value relevance
目 次
1 绪论1
1。1 研究背景与意义1
1。3 研究内容与方法5
1。4 创新与不足6
2 相关理论概述7
2。1 无形资产概述7
2。2 股价概述8
2。3 相关理论9
3 研究假设和实证设计11
3。1 研究假设11
3。2 数据来源和样本选取11
3。3 研究变量的选择12
3。4 研究模型的选择13
4 实证结果与分析15
4。1 描述性统计15
4。2 相关性分析17
4。3 回归分析18
5 研究结论及建议22
5。1 研究结论22
5。2 政策建议22
1 绪论
1。1 研究背景与意义
1。1。1 研究背景