摘 要倒卵叶瑞香Daphne grueningiana H.Winkl.为瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)瑞香属(Daphne)的常绿小灌木,大多分布于临安、富阳、磐安;安徽也有分布,目前估计野外数目小于10000株,属于极小种群,正处于衰退阶段。本文选择在分布也相对集中、数量较多大盘山对倒卵叶瑞香分布现状进行了调查研究,采用野外实地调查的方法对倒卵叶瑞香进行每木调查,并详细记录和对数据分析。在此基础上,对倒卵叶瑞香的种群结构和空间分布格局进行了研究并分析,绘制高度级结构图和静态生命表等,为倒卵叶瑞香种群更好的繁殖更新和有效保护提供理论基础。88938
Abstract Daphne grueningiana is an evergreen shrub of the family Thymelaeaceae。 Most of them are located in Ling'an, Fuyang, Panan of Zhejiang Province, as well as Anhui Province, eastern China。 The estimated number in field is less than 10000。 It is a very small population, in a recession。 This paper choose the distribution is relatively concentrated, quantity is more big scenic mountain to pour Daphne grueningiana distribution present situation has carried on the investigation and study。 This article adopts the method of field investigation of Daphne grueningiana in Dapanshan distribution present situation has carried on the investigation and study, to Daphne grueningiana pour every wood investigation, and detailed record data。 The population structure and spatial distribution pattern of Daphne grueningiana were studied and analyzed。 Drawing the height structure diagram and the static life table were used to provide the theoretical basis for the better reproduction and effective protection of the Daphne grueningiana。
毕业论文关键词:倒卵叶瑞香;极小种群;种群结构;分布格局源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Keyword: Daphne grueningiana; A tiny population; Population structure; Distribution pattern
摘 要 2
1 引言 4
2 研究地区概括 5
2。1 大盘山概况 5
2。2自然保护区灌草丛概况 6
3研究方法 6
3。1 样地调查 6
3。2 种群结构研究 8
3。2。1 高度级结构分析 8
3。3 种群分布格局研究 9
4 结语 10
参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言
倒卵叶瑞香Daphne grueningiana H.Winkl.为瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)瑞香属(Daphne)的常绿小灌木,高0。3m~1m。叶互生,常簇生于枝顶;革质,倒卵状披针形或倒卵状椭圆形(图1),长6~11cm,宽2~3。5cm,先端圆或钝圆而微凹,基部渐狭楔形,全缘,微反卷,两面无毛或几无毛,中脉在上面为凹或扁平,下面隆起,侧脉6~11对;叶柄几乎没有。花8~12朵组成顶生的头状花序;苞片5~7片,卵状长椭圆形,长1。5~3cm,先端尖或微凹,无毛或边缘具短纤毛;总花梗短,被褐色短硬毛;萼筒管状,淡紫色或紫红色,具浓香,长约1cm,无毛,裂片4,卵形或长圆形,先端钝圆而微凹;雄蕊8,2轮;花盘环状;子房宽椭圆形,无毛,花柱无,柱头稍扁。果卵圆形,红色。花期为3~4月,果期为6~7月(舒勇等,2008)。
花形美丽,花香浓郁,具有极高的观赏价值;根可入药,能祛风通络、散瘀止痛。倒卵叶瑞香属于药用珍稀濒危植物,生于海拔400~1500m的沟边、阔叶林或竹林下。大多分布于临安、富阳、磐安;安徽也有分布。模式标本采自西天目山,标本多采自浙江临安(Fedde Repevt Beih,1992)。估计野外数目小于10000株。From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766