Analysis on the Structure of the Facial Pit of Crotalinae Snakes And the Correlation With Its Phylogenetic Development
Abstract:Snakes in Viperidae Fu subfamily (Crotalinae) have unique infrared receptor - facial pit, which can recognize infrared signals produced by warm-blooded animals, to complete orientation and predation behavior. This subject mainly focused on the basic structure of facial pit, tried to connect the structure of facial pit with the taxonomy of Fu subfamily snakes, so as to explore the correlation of the structure of facial pit and the phylogenesis of main Genera in Fu subfamily. The experiment was carried out using the Micro-CT instrument to scan the snakes, and the 3D model was reconstructed via the system and the data were analyzed.The data analysis showed that the Pearson correlation coefficient of all the species used in the experiment was fairly high, with only slight differences; One of the possible reasons for this may be that the structural characteristics of facial pits have not yet started to appear the distinct differentiation within these Genera.Receptive field analysis showed that, as lateral receptors - facial pits possessed a large scope of senses for information from either side of the head. And for both sides of the facial pits, the  receptive field overlapped in front of the head, which indicates that facial pits can also accept  information right in front of the head.
Key words: Crotalinae Snakes; Facial pit; Phylogenesis; Receptive field
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract……    1
Key words    1
引言    1
材料与方法    2
1.1  实验材料    2
1.2  实验器材    2
1.2.1  麻醉药剂与器材    2
1.2.2  CT扫描器材    2
1.3  操作及方法    2
1.3.1  扫描    2
1.3.2  模型重构    2
1.3.3  数据测量    2
1.3.4  系统发育树    3
1.4  数据分析    3
2  结果与分析    3
2.1  系统发育树    3
2.1.1  亚洲蝮属    3
2.1.2  竹叶青蛇属和绿蝮属    4
2.1.3  烙铁头蛇属    4
2.2  测量结果    4
2.2.1  颊窝角度数据    4
2.2.2  颊窝长度数据    4
2.3  长度数据相关性分析    5
2.3.1  亚洲蝮属内分析    5
2.3.2  竹叶青蛇属和绿蝮属内分析    5
2.3.3  烙铁头蛇属内分析    5










