摘要:番茄叶枯萎病(Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, TSWV)病毒是美国南部地区广泛传播的一类植物性病毒。感染了TSWV的花生,植株矮化同时,植株的叶片上还会出现黄化坏死的环状斑点,进而严重影响花生的品质,并造成花生大规模的减产。本实验的研究目的在于利用花生已经公布的A和B全基因组测序的数据,根据已知的DNA序列在花生不同的染色体上设计简单序列重复分子标记(Simple Sequence Repeat, SSR),选用抗性亲本FL-113和易病亲本Georgia Valencia所构建的群体提取的DNA样本, 进行PCR扩增,之后利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, PAGE)的结果观察是否扩增的DNA条带与表现型出现共分离,以此来初步定位抗番茄枯萎病的基因的大致位置。实验发现花生A01染色体上很有可能存在抗TSWV的主效数量性状基因座(Quantitative Trait Locus,QTL)。本实验对于植物抗病机理的研究,和培育新的抗病品种都具有较为重要的意义。31403 毕业论文关键词:番茄叶枯病;花生;SSR标记;基因定位
Mapping of resistance genes to TSWV in cultivated peanut
Abstract: TSWV is a kind of wide spread virus in southern US since 1985. For peanut infected with TSWV, stunning is the most obvious symptom. Besides the dwarfing, there are usually chlorotic or necrotic rings on the leaves from TSWV-infected plants. TSWV not only reduces peanut yield, but also greatly affect the quality of the product. Based on the sequencing data of A and B genome in cultivated peanut, single sequence repeats (SSR) markers are designed. Peanut cultivar FL 113, which has a high resistance to TSWV, was crossed with Georgia Valencia, which is very sensitive to TSWV. Then F2 and F3 were created as mapping population. Plant DNA is extracted and PCR amplification was done with those SSR markers. PCR results were visualized using PAGE gel. If SSR markers show co-segregation with sensitive and resistant cultivars, the TSWV resistance related QTLs could narrow down to specific chromosomes in cultivated peanut. Considering TSWV’s severe impact on peanut production in southern US, this research is important, not only for plant disease resistance mechanism, but also for new resistance cultivar breeding.
Key words: TSWV; Peanut; SSR marker; Gene mapping
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