- 上一篇:原辅料对鸡精调味料的味觉特征影响研究
- 下一篇:玫瑰中有效成分提取工艺优化研究
Study on the Preparation and Properties of Purple Sweet Potato Cookie
Abstract:Purple sweet potato has the ability of preventing and resisting cancer, heart disease and so on because of its rich anthocyanins, selenium and other nutritional ingredients. Purple sweet potato was added to develop cookie new product with unique flavor and nutritional components. By single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment, the optimal recipe of purple sweet potato cookie was determined as: low gluten flour 100g, purple sweet potato flour 20g, butter 70g, sugar 50g, whole egg 50g. The baking temperature is 190 ℃ for upper fire, 145 ℃for under fire, and baking time is 20min. Under the above said conditions, purple sweet potato cookie was made with rich purple potato flavor, moderate sweetness, and crunchy texture. Physicochemical parameters of purple potato cookie were also measured, moisture content of 3.6%, an alkalinity of 0.25%, fat content of 17.5%, elongation of 4.32, and the hardness of 16.1N.
Keywords:purple sweet potato;cookies;quality
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 紫薯 1
1.1.1 紫薯的营养保健功能 1
1.1.2 紫薯在焙烤食品中的应用研究 3
1.2 曲奇饼干 4
1.2.1 曲奇饼干的品质影响因素 4
1.2.2 曲奇饼干的产品研发现状 5
1.3 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义 7
2 材料与方法 8
2.1 实验材料 8
2.2 实验仪器 8
2.3 实验方法 8
2.3.1 曲奇饼干的制作 8
2.3.2 紫薯曲奇感官评定 9
2.3.3 紫薯曲奇水分测定 10
2.3.4 紫薯曲奇延展度测定 10
2.3.5 紫薯曲奇饼干的质构测定 10
3 结果与讨论 11
3.1 原辅料对紫薯曲奇饼干的品质影响 11
3.1.1紫薯粉对曲奇饼干制作及品质的影响 11
3.1.2 黄油对曲奇饼干制作及品质的影响 13
3.1.3 糖粉对曲奇饼干制作及品质的影响 15
3.1.4 全蛋液对曲奇饼干制作及品质的影响 17
3.1.5 紫薯曲奇饼干配方的正交优化 19
3.2 加工工艺对紫薯曲奇饼干的品质影响 20
3.2.1 烘烤温度对曲奇饼干的品质影响 20
3.2.1 烘烤时间对曲奇饼干的品质影响 21
3.3 最优紫薯曲奇饼干感官理化指标的测定 21
4 结论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
1 引言