
在由某燃气公司的泄漏事故原因统计中,得到室内发生泄漏的主要原因:第三方的人为破坏。其中主要的泄漏部位在厨房燃气灶口,然而若在厨房发生泄漏,受到多种外界条件的影响,包括:窗户的开闭,泄漏口的速度和压力大小,窗户口的进风速度。本文设计了一个两室一厅的二维模型,在fluent内通过改变各种边界条件,得出燃气泄漏的一般规律。在模拟中发现泄漏口处燃气泄漏呈现漩涡状,泄漏速度或者泄漏压力越大,泄漏量越大,窗户的开对室内燃气泄漏有着重要影响,气流能借助泄漏口的射流动能,往窗口外扩散,从而减少室内燃气的浓度。通过对比泄漏速度在4m/s,2m/s,1m/s的室内甲烷质量浓度分布图,虽然射流能降低窗户口的燃气浓度,但是泄漏速度依旧是室内燃气含量多少的关键。通过对比入风速度在1m/s,0.5m/s,0.1m/s的甲烷质量分布图,可知入风速度会将降低窗口的燃气浓度,但是入风会造成燃气的堆叠,尤其在0.1m/s时即入风速度小的时候。在模拟过程中,运用基本方程,密度方程,浮力修正的k- 模型等基础理论,同时运用有限体积法进行网格化离散化分析。


毕业论文关键词:厨房燃气泄漏; fluent模拟;扩散

Calculation and analysis of gas leakage in kitchen

Abstract:The source of leakage in the enclosed space is a source of fire, the final explosion, resulting in huge loss of personal property, such news is not uncommon. At present, gas pipelines are communicated from door to door, gas security problem has increasingly become the focus of attention. The main component of natural gas is methane, methane explosion limits 4.9%-16%. Once a kitchen gas pipeline leak, and such as the kitchen in a small, enclosed space, in people who are not aware of the leakage for a period of time, kitchen methane soon reached explosive range, this time if encounter sparks, the danger of explosion is great. Therefore, in this paper, the numerical simulation of the gas leak in the kitchen, in order to draw the general rules for the leakage of real life.

In Leakage accident statistics of the Gas Company, the main reasons for the leakage of the indoor: third party for the destruction of. The main part of leakage in the kitchen gas stove mouth. However, if in the kitchen, leakage occurred, affected by a variety of external conditions, including: the opening and closing of the window, the discharge of the chute of the values of pressure and velocity, the Windows account into the wind speed. In this paper, the design of a two-dimensional model of a two bedroom, in fluent through changes in a variety of boundary conditions, we get the general rule of gas leakage. In the simulation found vent leaks gas leakage exhibited the swirling, the rate of leakage or leakage pressure is high, leakage, the more the amount of that window open to indoor gas leakage has a significant impact, flow by means of relief of the chute of the jet kinetic energy, spread to the outside the window, thereby reducing indoor gas concentration. By comparing the leakage rate in 4m/s, 2m/s, 1m/s indoor methane concentration distribution map, although the jet can reduce the gas concentration of the window, but the leakage rate is still the key to the number of indoor gas content. By contrast in wind speed in 1m / s, 0.5m/s, 0.1m/s methane mass distribution map shows into the wind speed will reduce window of gas concentration, but the wind will cause gas stack, especially in 0.1m/s into the wind velocity is small. In the process of simulation, the basic theory of the basic equation, the density equation, the buoyancy correction k- model and the finite volume method are used in the simulation.










