    摘  要:本文主要通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计、逻辑分析等研究方法对学院学生健美操参与意识和行为的现状和特点进行了调查和分析,结果表明,学院学生的对健美操的基础知识水平和达到健身效果的认识较低,导致学生对健美操的学习兴趣不高,大学生对健美操隐蔽的目的不了解;大学生健美操运动的时间不足;学校健美操课程对学生的关注程度的健美操锻炼很大的影响,并提出了聘用具有创新意识的年轻教师,促进学院健美操课程内容的变革与创新;充分发挥学院健美操社团的作用,促进健美操运动的普及和竞技水平的提高;积极组织开展各类健美操的培训和比赛,提高学生健美操参与意识与行为等相关建议。38323
     Normal University students’ aerobics participation consciousness and behavior research
    Abstract: This paper mainly through the literature material law, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other research methods of  Normal University student aerobics participation consciousness and behavior of present situation and the characteristic has carried on the investigation and analysis, the results show that  Normal University students on the basis of aerobics knowledge level and the understanding of fitness effect is low, causes the student to the aerobics learning interest is not high, do not understand the purpose of college students of aerobics hidden; College students' aerobics exercise time; School aerobics curriculum concern for students of aerobics exercise great influence, and puts forward the employment of innovative young teachers, promote the change and innovation of  Normal University aerobics curriculum content; Give full play to the role of  Normal University aerobics club, to promote the popularity of aerobics and the improvement of sports level; Actively organize aerobics training and competition, enhances the student aerobics participation consciousness  and related Suggestions
    Keywords:  Normal University ,university students, aerobics, sense of participation, behavior
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    引 言    2
    1、研究对象与方法    2
    1.1研究对象    2
    1.2研究方法    2
    3、结果与分析    3
    3.1 学院大学生健美操参与意识与行为的基本现状    3
    3.2 提高学院学生健美操参与意识与行为的相关对策    5
    4结论与建议    7
    4.1 结论    7
    4.2 建议    7
    参考文献    8
    附 件    10
    致谢    12
    引 言
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