
    摘要本文采用文献资料法在中国知网,大学图书馆核心期刊资料库等搜集资料,同时运用问卷调查法对晋江市中小学校足球队运动员、教练员、家长及校领导为调查对象。根据得出的数据利用对比分析法、数理统计法、专家访谈法对晋江市足球后备人才的培养现状进行了客观而系统的调查研究,得出以下结论:1、晋江市参加校园足球活动学校的教练员都有一定的理论知识,但专业训练和带队经验都较少,训练中不能给队员做示范动作,不了解足球训练的规律,教练员等级较低,基层教练员接受培训的机会也不多,教练员再培训制度不完善。2、家长对校园足球活动认识存在很大偏差,受足球环境差,成材率低,出路窄,影响学习成绩,容易受伤等多方面原因影响,导致家长对子女参加校园足球活动的支持不够。3、国家体育总局每年对校园足球活动拨款 4000 万元,平均分配到各个试点学校,学校拿到手经费的已经是杯水车薪,大部分参加足球活动学校不能满足日常的训练、比赛需要,场地设施较欠缺。4、参训学生的文化课学习与足球活动的关系处理不理想。参加校园足球活动学生学习成绩有所上升的人数较少,没有变化的较多,学习成绩下降的人数也较多,不利于校园足球活动的开展。5、日德学校足球普及工作已经做得非常出色,他们的主要目标是以培养高水平足球后备人才,学校足球在其足球后备人才培养体系中占据主体地位。中国学校足球主要目标是扩大青少年足球人口、普及青少年足球运动。校园足球的开展很大程度普及了足球运动,大大提高了我国注册学生球员的数量,但注册学生球员占全国青少年总是的百分比依然较低,校园足球运动需要继续开展下去。 建议:1、努力提高教练员的业务能力和综合素质;2、努力改变家长对子女参加足球运动的态度;3、认真帮助学生处理好学习与足球活动的关系;4、继续加大投入,发动各方面力量搞好校园足球活动。44303

        Abstract:In this paper, using literature to collect data in China National Knowledge, Normal University Library core periodical databases, etc., while the use of a questionnaire survey of primary and secondary schools xx City football team athletes, coaches, parents and school leaders for the survey. According to the data obtained using the comparative analysis, mathematical statistics, expert interviews on the status quo culture xx City football talents in an objective and systematic investigation, the following conclusions: 1, xx city participate in campus football school Coaches have a theoretical knowledge, but professional training and experience have led less training to the players do not demonstrate the action, do not understand the laws of football training, lower grade coaches, grassroots coaches receive training opportunities much, coaches retraining system is imperfect. 2, the parents know there is a big campus football deviation by the football environment is poor, low lumber, the narrow roads, affecting academic performance, and many other factors affecting vulnerable, leading parents to support their children to participate in the activities of the campus football is not enough. 3, the State Sports General Administration of annual funding for campus football 40 million yuan, the average allocation to each pilot school, the school had to get our hands is utterly inadequate funding, most schools can not participate in football activities to meet the daily training and competition needs, the more the lack of venues and facilities . 4, the relationship between participating students' cultural lesson learning process and football is not ideal. Small number of participants campus football activities increased student achievement, there is no change in the larger number of poor academic performance is greater, is not conducive to the campus football activities. 5, Japan, Germany, the popularity of football schools have done a very good job, their main goal is to train high-level football reserve personnel, school football football to occupy the dominant position in its reserve personnel training system. Chinese school football main goal is to expand the population of youth football, youth football popularity. Carry a large degree of popularity of the campus football football, greatly increased the number of students registered players, but the players registered students is always a percentage of the country's total youth is still low, the campus football needs to be continued. Recommendation: 1, efforts to improve the operational capacity and the overall quality of coaches; 2, the parents for their children to participate in efforts to change the attitude of football; 3, serious help students handle the relationship between learning and football activities; 4, continue to increase investment, to launch the forces improve campus football activities.

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