


    Sanda is an unarmed combat fighting technique. It is the mother of Chinese National Traditional Sports -- Wushu sports. Martial arts is the two two relative art as the main content of Chinese traditional sports, martial art is a movement in the confrontation, is the highest form of martial arts, martial arts is the quintessence of. In modern there are more people getting love this sport, in addition to the professional training team, more Wushu Sanda amateur Wushu Sanda exercise in leisure time. However, in the practice of Sandawill appear in a variety of errors, this paper is based on this, in view of Wushu Sandaamateur boxing in the swing boxing training common mistakes if "fist", punch linedeformation, instability of gravity and other aspects of the main reasons is the practice oftoo little training, do not pay attention to the points before, other boxing, practitioners too nervous and other reasons things remind, improved exercise method and practice. ForWushu Sanda amateur in swing boxing training, recommendations can achieve better results

    毕业论文关键词:武术散打; 业余爱好者; 摆拳; 训练

    Keyword: Martial Arts; Amateur; Swing; Training       

       目     录

    1引言 5

    1.1选题依据 5

    散打是中华民族特有的非物质文化遗产,它是一项徒手搏击格斗的技术。其母体是中华民族传统魁宝——武术运动。武术是以技击为主要内容的一项民族传统体育项目,散打就是武术运动的对抗性形式,是武术运动的最高表现形式,也是武术的精髓所在。 5

    1.2研究现状 5

    1.3研究对象与方法 6

    2武术散打 6

    2.1武术散打的概念、起源 6

    2.2武术散打训练的意义 7

    2.3武术散打训练的项目 7

    3武术散打业余爱好者 7

    3.1武术散打业余爱好者概念 7

    3.2杭州市武术散打业余爱好者发展情况 8

    3.3武术散打业余爱好者训练项目分析 8

    4摆拳 8

    4.1摆拳的概念、作用及其在武术散打中的地位 8

    4.2摆拳的特点 9

    4.3摆拳训练应达到的效果 9


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