

    Abstract  Today, the most common collective sport is basketball in China。 Basketball is an essential part of a movement in the youth group,especially popular。 And teenagers are Chinese basketball reserve talented person resources, youth basketball level for the direction of the our country soon after the basketball level factors play an important decision。 Basketball is one of the most important attack technology,including ball breakthrough technology is very important。 Therefore, through the literature method, observation method, interview method and other research methods on youth ball breakthrough the choice of training methods and application are discussed。 According to the characteristics of teenagers from all training method selected for several training methods, and then to formulate appropriate training methods, it is concluded that different training methods of the specific application。 Thus highlights the youth basketball movement and the importance of holding breakthrough, to strengthen the training。 This research is mainly in order to be able to provide some theoretical reference for teenagers ball breakthrough training。


    Key words:Basketball; adolescents; Breakthrough; training methods; selection; application

    目  录

    1前言 4

    2持球突破技术的发展演变 5

    3持球突破三要素及技术分析 5

    3.1持球突破三要素 5

    3.2持球突破技术分析 5

    4持球突破技术的分类及结构特点 5

    4.1交叉步突破(异侧步) 5

    4.2顺步突破(同侧步) 6

    4.3后转身突破 6

    4.4前转身突破 7

    5青少年生理特点与持球突破技术训练应注意的问题 7

    5.1青少年运动系统的特点与训练时应注意的问题 7

    5.2青少年心血管系统的特点与注意的问题 8

    5.2青少年神经系统的特点与注意的问题 8

    6青少年持球突破技术训练方法的选择 8

    6.1程序训练法及其示例 8

    6.2完整训练法与分解训练法及其示例 8

    6.3重复训练法及其示例 9

    6.4比赛训练法及其示例 9

    7青少年持球突破技术训练方法的应用 9

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