
    摘 要:本文研究以开明中学、淮州中学、清江中学、北京路中学、长征小学、天津路小学等10所中小学学校的学生为研究对象.采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、统计分析法对于淮安市中学足球运动的现状进行了调查分析和研究.通过对淮安市中小学足球运动现状的调查,得出以下结果:一、中学体育课教学方法不合理,教学手段陈旧,整体来看,现在的体育教学模式不利于足球运动的开展。二,中学生在中学体育教育中没有充分显示出主体地位,教师的主导作用也没有得到足够体现。三、足球赛事在学校内与学校之间开展缓慢,且受到传统观念的影响。54738


    Abstract: This paper studies the enlightened middle school, high school, middle school, Qingjiang Huai Beijing Road Primary School, middle school, Tianjin Changzheng Road Primary School, 10 primary and secondary school students as the research object. By using the method of documentary, interview, questionnaire survey method, statistical analysis method was investigated for analysis and study status quo of soccer Middle School of Huaian city through the investigation of football. The status of primary and secondary schools in Huaian City, and obtained the following results: first, the middle school physical education teaching method is not reasonable, the teaching method is old, the whole, the sports teaching mode is not conducive to the development of the football sports. Two, students in the middle school sports education is not fully shows the main body status, leading role the teacher has not been enough to reflect. Three, football in the school and the school develops slowly, and the influence of the traditional ideas

    Key words: football; High school football; Physical education; Traditional concept

    1  前言 5

    2研究对象和方法 5

    2.1研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 5

    3研究结果与分析 6

    3.1学生参与足球运动的情况 6

    3.2足球教师师资情况 6

    3.2.1足球教师学历与专业 7

    3.2.2足球教师年龄分析 7

    3.2.3足球教师科研能力分析 8

    3.3各学校足球场地设施情况 8

    3.4 体育课足球教学内容的安排情况 8

    3.5 足球课余训练情况 9

    4结论与建议 9

    4.1结  论 9

    4.2建  议 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    附录 12

    1  前言 


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