    关键词   红外图像 伪彩色编码 彩色融合 拮抗特性 色彩迁移
    Title  The Research and Implementation of colorizing infrared  image                                                
    Compared to graycsale images,the people’s eye is more sensitive to color image,colorizing infrared image is beneficial to identify target in the night ,so the research of colorizing infrared image is significant.This paper studies the colorization of single-channel image and fusion of two-channel images.for single-channel colorization, We focus on the three algorithms of pseudo-color processing.we analyze the results by Matlab simulation ,and discover that the result of continuous color code is more comfortable to people’s eyes.Based on the analysis of the respective characteristics of infrared and low-vision image,we studies three algorithms about double-spectral fusion colorization,including colorization of direct and linear combination of fusion,colorization based on opponent visual  model,and colorization based on color migration.It shows,by analyzing the simulation results,that compared to pseudo-color,the information of the fusion images is rich,the color of the image based on opponent visual model is relatively soft compared to the mapping fusion,the image contains natural color through the color migration.Finally,We studies real-time colorizing infrared video on FPGA.
    Keywords  infrared image  pseudo-color  code color fusion  color migration   opponent visual model  
    目  次
       1绪论    1
    1.1 背景    1
    1.2 发展与研究现状    1
    1.3 本文主要的研究工作    2
    2 图像彩色化的理论基础    4
    2.1红外图像的特征    4
    2.2红外图像的增强    4
    2.3颜色空间    5
    2.4 彩色化方法的分类    8
    2.5 小结    9
    3彩色化方法    10
    3.1伪彩色编码    10
    3.1.1灰度分割法    10
    3.1.2灰度级—彩色变换法    11
    3.1.3 连续色彩编码法    12
    3.2 多光谱融合彩色化    14
    3.2.1 RGB直接映射融合    14
    3.2.2 RGB线性组合映射融合    15
    3.2.3 基于拮抗特性的彩色融合    16
    3.3 追求自然色彩的彩色化    19
    3.3.1给红外图像迁移色彩    20
    3.3.2 给伪彩色图像迁移色彩    21
    3.4 小结    23
    4 FPGA实现红外视频彩色化    24
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  2. 下一篇:基于FPGA的线性调频近程探测雷达信号处理模块设计
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