    With the rapid development of China’s modernization and the growing demand or engineering machinery, engineering machinery performance becomes very important.There are security risks in traditional control methods due to the harsh environment of the project site.So using the wireless remote control technology to achiever reliable long-range control of engineering machinery is the development tendency.
    Based on the characteristics of wireless remote control technology and user requirements, the paper researches and designs a universal wireless industrial remote controller.Because the engineering machinery action mistakes may cause huge losses of life and property, reliability is the most important feature of wireless industrial emote controller.The paper achieves long.Range and high reliability control of engineering machinery, based on two Cortex-M3 microcontroller LPCI768s.433MHz and 2.4GHz dual-band wireless communication technology, error detection and correction coding method.
    The paper analyzes the features of wireless industrial remote controller, designs the overall system architecture according to the actual needs.The system uses two LPC1768 as the microcontroller, then battery/lithium battery power conversion circuit,data acquisition circuit,S14432 and CC2500 RF communication module circuit,and other peripheral circuits are designed.
    The paper studies the error control methods of wireless communication.Using the CRC/RS code and the address code,the wireless communication protocols are made,which enhances the anti-interference property.Then the transmitter and receiver software are designed.
    Finally ,the paper tests and analyses the main module,verifies the practicality and reliability of the system.
    Key words:Wireless industrial remote controller, communication reliability,SI4432, CC2500,RS code,CRC code
    摘要    II
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2    国内外发展现状    1
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