    关键词: lonworks总线;节点;神经元芯片;监控系统
    Based on LONWORKS fieldbus intelligent building air conditioning system design
    Abstract: Step by step in the process of development of intelligent building, brought convenience to work life, it is have high requirements for the building of the control system. The intelligent building control system based on lonworks also has become the most mainstream, one of the most competitive field bus. This design will be the main research of air conditioning system, its load accounts for more than half of the building load, relations with people work and the quality of life, has the very high research value. On the basis of neuron chip and lontalk protocol understanding, combined with the air conditioning control principle, development and design of the node. System adopts the DDC controller data collection and analysis of the building, and feedback in the past, direct control, realize real-time monitoring of the air conditioning system. And the design of the system hardware is a crucial step, the neuron chip and MCU, and man-machine interface hardware together, and map system the principle of sensor nodes, the system has the feasibility.
    Keywords:     Lonwoks; Node; Neuron chip; Monitor and control system
    目  录
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1.绪论    1
     1.1智能楼宇的发展过程及展望    1
     1.2楼宇自动化控制系统的发展过程    1
     1.3Lonworks技术的发展及前景    2
     1.4本课题研究的内容及意义    4

    2.lonworks技术    5
     2.1概念    5
     2.2神经元芯片    6
     2.3 lontalk协议    8

    3.DDC控制器及空调系统    9
     3.1 DDC控制器    9
     3.2变风空调简介    10
      3.2.1概述    10
      3.2.2变风量空调系统    11

    4    基于主机的温度测控节点的设计    14
     4.1系统设计要求    14
     4.2系统总体功能    14
     4.3智能节点概述    15
     4.4温度测控节点的硬件设计    16
      4.4.1AT89S52单片机资源分配    16
      4.4.2神经元芯片接口电路设计    17
      4.4.3 I-Wire单总线技术    20
      4.4.4.数字温度传感器DSl8820    21
      4.4.5人机接口电路设计    21
     4.5空调监控系统    22
    5总结与展望    24
    致谢    25
    参考文献    26
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