    毕业论文关键词  声音定位,时间差(时延),315KMz无线传输,MSP430
    Title    Sound positioning system based on MSP430 and 315Mhz wireless sensor communication                  
    From a military radar and satellite to the mobile robot ,GPS, mobile phone positioning in our daily life plays an increasingly important role. Sound localization, that determines sound source (test target) position in space, and its geological exploration, search and rescue personnel, target tracking, and so has a wide range of applications. Now sound positioning has been applying in video telephony, video conferencing systems.
    The system consists of two parts. A sound source module generates an audio signal by the microcontroller, the signal is amplified by the transistor for input to the speaker as the sound source; microphone receiving module receiving a received signal is amplified and then transmitted through the wireless transmission and reception module. Sound source localization principle is time for the four microphone signals has received poor treatment, transfer to the PC labview program to get sound through a relatively sophisticated algorithms coordinates.
    After the completion of the design, has carried on the overall test, basic can meet the requirements.
    Keywords  Sound localization, the time gap (delay),315KMz wireless transmission, MSP430
    目 次
    1 引言    1
    1.1课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    2
    1.3本课题研究目的    3
    1.3.1声音定位系统的结构设计    3
    1.3.2声音定位系统的声音接收模块设计和软件编程    3
    1.3.3无线传输模块的设计和软件编程    3
    1.3.4整合软件编程并把采集到的数据显示到上位机    3
    1.3.5分析显示在上位机中的数据并通过算法定位    4
    2定位的分类和原理    5
    2.1定位系统简介    5
    2.2声音定位系统原理    6
    2.2.1仿人类双耳的声音定位原理    7
    2.2.2基于到达时间差的定位原理    7
    2.2.3基于声压幅度比的定位原理    12
    2.3 本章小结    13
    3.硬件设计    15
    3.1声音信号的接收与放大电路的设计    15
    3.1.1驻极体传声器简介    15
    3.1.2 LM386芯片资料    16
    3.1.3声音信号的接收与放大电路    18
    3.2无线传输电路的设计    18
    3.2.1 315M无线发射接受模块    18
    3.2.2 MSP430单片机资料    19
    3.2.3无线传感模块和MSP430单片机的连接电路    21
  1. 上一篇:窄轨牵引电机车控制系统的仿真研究
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