    Train Energy-saving Operation Optimization Algorithms
    Abstract: In order to improve the energy efficiency in the process of trains in operation, the speed variation of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, optimize the train operation control strategy. Improved particle swarm algorithm according to certain probability, the minimum speed variation, expand the particles search space effectively, so as to improve the optimization results. Primarily by accelerating the train operation, inertia, brake three processes, each process of resultant force, speed, distance, etc. By using MATLAB, the train running process simulation, and by using particle swarm optimization (PSO), will be drawn before the distance - speed curve of all the particles by the program to find the optimal solution, and the optimal solution is the optimization goal of the train, so as to realize the multi-objective optimization in the process of train running. Based on the research of the train operation control process, the working condition of operation control system is decomposed into sequence, combined with the genetic algorithm (GA) theory and method, the working condition of sequence of chromosome mapping, working condition of the sequence table mapping for populations, which introduces genetic algorithm to solve the problem of train operation simulation model.
    Key Words: train; optimization; the particle swarm
    目 录
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    2
    1.4 研究方案    3
    1.4.1  列车运行过程    3
    1.4.2  列车运行过程中的节能分析    3
    1.4.3  智能优化算法    4
    1.5 论文章节安排    4
    2.列车运行过程    5
    2.1 列车运行过程建模    5
    2.1.1  列车受力分析    5
    2.1.2  列车运行单质点模型    8
    2.2 工况转换序列    9
    2.3 工况序列表    9
    2.4 列车能耗计算    10
    2.5 列车运行过程数学模型    11
    3.智能优化算法    13
    3.1 智能优化算法概述    13
    3.2 粒子群智能优化算法    13
    3.3 速度变异粒子群算法    15
    4.仿真程序设计    18
    4.1 列车运行过程仿真程序设计    18
    4.2 列车运行过程优化    18
    4.3 仿真条件    19
    4.4 仿真结果及分析    20
    5.结束语    22
    致  谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1.1 课题的目的和意义
    随着铁路高速化、高密度化、自动化、智能化需求的不断提高,以及人们对列车自动运行代替人工运行改善列车运营性能的重视,开发和研究以安全、准时、舒适、合理、节能为目标的列车自动运行系统(ATO-Automatic Train Operation),具有广泛的研究前景与应用价值。列车自动运行系统自动完成对列车的启动、牵引、惰行和制动,模拟人工运行时最佳驾驶员的驾驶,提高列车的运行效率,提高列车的运行舒适度,节省能源消耗,使列车按最佳工况正点、安全、平稳的高质量运行。所以在对列车操作,控制,运行仿真等方面进行研究后找出列车优化的重要因素,以达到提高列车的安全、舒适度,减少能源浪费,挺高时间准点性,减少停靠误差等等方面的目标。而如果能够通过对列车运行过程多目标的优化有效地使铁路运行变得更加节能,也是适应了我国经济建设的需要通过利用先进的列车自动运行控制算法,结合计算机仿真技术,可以获得合理、优化的列车操纵指导列车安全准时的自动运行,使旅客乘车更加舒适。同时,减轻由人工运行所带来的驾驶员疲劳,使系统设计更加人性化。综上所述,在牵引计算仿真的基础上研究列车的优化操纵、实现高速列车的牵引计算仿真和多列车的运行仿真对于提高列车控制水平和实现牵引供电系统的仿真计算具有重要意义。
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