    毕业论文关键词: 串口通信;MCS-51;硬件;软件
    This design is the use of 8051 as a core part of the whole system, the main achievement of the mutual connection between the microcontroller and the computer, communications and data transfer functions. The hardware circuit mainly by the SCM and computer serial bus circuit, serial interface circuit with digital display circuit. The software selected for this design three experiments to form a complete serial communication system, is to send data to the computer by the MCU, respectively, to send the computer to send data between the microcontroller and the microcontroller and computer data to each other three to complete the process by the microcontroller the central processor and display real-time processing of data transmission. Meanwhile, through the serial port interrupts and cyclic language, the system can also control the input and display real-time data. The whole system is a simple structure, easy to set up and control, intelligent systems, has some practical value.
    Keywords: serial communication; MCS-51; hardware; software
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 单片机的发展历程    1
    1.3 串口通信技术的相关概念以及研究发展    3
    1.3.1 关于串口    3
    1.3.2 串口通信技术的研究发展    3
    1.3.3 单片机的串口通信技术及其优点    3
    1.3.4 关于串口通信的方式    4
    1.3.5 关于串口通信的工作方式    5
    1.3.6 串口通信的信息校验方式    6
    1.4 本课题研究思路    6
    1.4.1 研究意义    6
    1.4.2 研究目标    6
    1.4.3 研究思路    6
    1.4.4 研究难点    7
    1.4.5 拟解决的关键问题    7
    1.5 论文主要工作    7
    第2章 串口通信系统设计的单片机选型    8
    2.1 HOT-51 增强型开发板的硬件资源一览    8
    2.2 HOT-51 增强型开发板芯片的详细说明    9
    2.3 HOT-51开发板的串行接口的内部结构    9
    2.3.1 80C51串行口的控制寄存器    10
    2.3.2 MCS-51单片机串行口的工作方式    11
    2.4  单片机内部的几种常用的串行总线    14
    2.4.1 IIC总线标准    14
    2.4.2 SPI总线标准    14
    2.4.3 USB总线标准    14
    2.4.4 IEEE-1394标准    15
    2.4.5 RS-232总线标准    16
    2.5  MCS-51单片机的数码显示管    16
    2.5.1 LED显示器的工作原理    16
    第3章 串口通信系统设计    20
    3.1 串口通信系统设计的流程设计    20
    3.1.1 串口通信系统设计思路    20
    3.1.2 串行系统总线硬件电路    22
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