    本论文旨在建立中断连续波雷达信号回波模型。首先,对常用的13位巴克码以及m序列的自相关特性分别进行了分析,然后根据建立的回波模型,对中断连续波雷达回波信号的模糊函数图进行了仿真和分析。其次,按照雷达回波信号的性能要求以及FPGA的实现的要求,利用Matlab软件设计仿真出信号处理算法。最后,讨论了多普勒频移技术,尝试设计了基于FPGA的多普勒频移方法。本文中此仿真程序包括目标、延时、高斯白噪声、多普勒频移等处理模块,并利用Matlab平台验证了程序的可行性。在此基础上,运用Altera EP3SE110硬件平台的信号处理功能,实现了该信号处理算法,并进行了测试。测试表明,本文设计的仿真程序可以正确地完成中断连续波的雷达回波信号模拟。
    关键词  中断连续波 雷达回波信号 高斯白噪声 多普勒频移 FPGA
    Title  Interrupt continuous wave radar echo signal simulation Based  on  FPGA                         
    In this era of information explosion, all areas are undergoing rapid changes. In them, the radar is its key part. Radar system can not only invade enemy aircraft carriers, submarines, military satellites, air and sea military activities target three all-round monitoring. In practice, continuous wave radar in the stability of the received signal has been severely hampered the development of radar, interrupted continuous wave radar in the confidentiality of the received signal on a good performance, significantly enhance the military radar reconnaissance accuracy, by the global scientific researchers attention.
    This paper aims to establish interrupting the continuous wave radar signal echo model. First, the usual 13 Barker code and autocorrelation properties m sequences were analyzed separately, and then echo the established model, for interrupting the continuous wave radar echo signal ambiguity function diagram simulation and analysis. Secondly, in accordance with the requirements of the performance requirements of the radar echo signal, and FPGA implementation using Matlab software design and simulation of signal processing algorithms. Finally, the Doppler frequency shift technique, try to design a FPGA-based Doppler shift method. This simulation program herein including objectives, delay, Gaussian white noise, Tests show that the design of the simulation program can correctly complete interrupt radar echo signal simulation of a continuous wave.
    Keywords  quasi-continuous radar  pseudorandom code digital signal processing  Dopplercompensation  FPGA
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.2  国外雷达信号模拟器研究现状    1
    1.3  国内研究现状    2
    1.4 本文的主要工作和内容安排    2
    2  雷达的基本原理及中断连续波雷达回波模型    4
    2.1雷达的基本工作原理    4
    2.2雷达距离分辨力    6
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