    关键词 : 图像处理  边缘检测   matlab仿真   微分算子   
    Title   Infrared Image Edge Detection Methods                    
    In the infrared image analysis and target identification system ,it is very important to determine the edge of the target ,because the result of the edge detection  directly affects the subsequent image analysis . edge detection of the image can exclude the  unimportant relatively information ,and greatly reduce the amount of data ,leaving only the important structural properties of the image.
    Based on differential operator for edge detection is still the more common methods of edge detection . The paper intruduces  Roberts operator, Sobel operator, Prewitt operator,  Log operator, Canny operator, Laplacian operator and other classic edge detection operators and some improved algorithm .By algorithm simulation in matlab software , the simulation results of comparison and research, come to their own characteristics and scope of different algorithms.
    Keywords:image processing ;edge detection;Matlab simulation ;differential algorithm
    目    录
    1  引言           1
        1.1 研究背景    1
        1.2  研究现状     2
      2  红外成像的基本原理 3
        2.1 红外热成像的机理  3
        2.2 红外成像的特点    4
      3  经典边缘检测算法 5
        3.1 边缘检测的原理    5
        3.2 经典的边缘检测算法      6
          3.2.1 Roberts边缘检测算子     6
          3.2.2 Sobel边缘检测算子   8
          3.2.3 Prewitt边缘检测算子   9
          3.2.4 Canny边缘检测算子          11
          3.2. 5 Log边缘检测算子           13
        3.3 经典边缘检测算子的比较          17
      4 基于Susan算法的边缘检测        20
          4.1 Susan算法的基本原理    20
      4.2 Susan边缘检测算法  21
        4.2.1 Susan算法描述  21
        4.2.2 模板的选取和阈值g、t的确定   21
        4.2.3 matlab编程      22
      5 基于阈值分割和数学形态学的边缘检测算法                  25
     5.1 阈值分割                 25
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