    摘要调频连续波体制下的 SAR(Synthetic aperture radar)既保留了合成孔径雷达技术的优点,又结合了调频连续波技术的特点,具有小体积、低功耗、高分辨率和低造价等多种优点。可装载于无人机,能够很好的适应现代战争信息化技术的要求,现已成为微波成像领域的一个重要热点和分支。 本文从 FMCW SAR 的基础概念出发,介绍了线性调频信号、脉冲压缩技术和SAR 系统基础。然后,通过分析 FMCW SAR 回波信号的特点,利用时域直接叠加模拟算法对 FMCW SAR 的回波信号进行了建模,并针对于单个点目标和多个点目标的情况下,分别利用 matlab仿真程序进行验证。 同时,本文研究了 FMCW SAR 信号的距离多普勒程序算法,并给出了算法流程,推导了过程公式。最后,再通过对点目标的仿真实验,对算法的优点和缺点进行了讨论。 26025
    毕业论文关键词 调频连续波,合成孔径雷达,高分辨率,距离多普勒,算法
    Title    Research  of  Frequency  Modulated  Continuous  Wave   SAR Range Doppler Imaging Algorithm          
    Synthetic aperture  radar of FMCW  system, not only retains
    the  advantages of  synthetic aperture  radar technology, but also is
    combined with the characteristics of  frequency modulated
    continuous  wave technology. It has many advantages  such as small
    volume,  low power consumption,  high resolution and  low cost. It can be
    mounted on UAV, meeting requirements  of modern  information war. Now,  it
    has become a hotspot and branch in the field of microwave imaging.
    In this paper, the author starts from the basic concept  of FMCW SAR, and
    introduce  the linear  frequency modulated  signal, pulse compression
    technique and the basic of SAR system. Then, by analyzing the
    characteristic  of FMCW SAR  echo  signal,the article uses the  direct splice
    in time domain algorithm to build the echo signal model of FMCW SAR.The
    article also carrys on the simulation experiment in the matlab  base on
    the conditions of single point target and plurality of point targets. 
    At the same time,this paper also analyzes the FMCW SAR signal range doppler
    algorithm,gives the  algorithm procedure and deduces the algorithm
    process. Finally, through the simulation experiment  of point
    target,  the author analyzes  both advantages and disadvantages of the
    Keywords   FMCW SAR high resolution range-Doppler algorithm
    目   次
    1. 绪论  1
    1.1 FMCW SAR 研究的背景和意义  ..  1
    1.2 FMCW SAR 技术研究在国内外现状    2
    1.3 论文研究的主要工作与结构安排..  3
    2.合成孔径雷达基础..  5
    2.1 合成孔径雷达理论概述  5
    2.2 线性调频信号特点  5
    2.2.1 线性调频信号的时域表达  5
    2.2.2 线性调频信号的频域分析  6
    2.3 脉冲压缩技术..  10
    2.3.1 脉冲压缩技术原理.  10
    2.3.2 线性调频信号的脉冲压缩. 11
    2.4 匹配滤波器实现.  15
    2.5 SAR 系统基础  ..  16
    2.5.1 SAR 系统结构    16
    2.5.2 SAR 地距几何和数据存储  .  17
    2.5.3 距离模型..  19
    2.5.4信号存储器的数据排列  20
    2.6 本章小结.  21
    3. FMCW SAR 回波信号建模与仿真    22
    3.1 FMCW SAR 信号    22
    3.1.1 SAR 距离向信号  ..  22
    3.1.2 SAR 方位向信号  ..  22
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