      接下来介绍了立体匹配的硬件实现的结构,并一一阐述了各个模块的结构与功能。最后利用Quartus II中完成了整个算法的设计与仿真,给出了图像大小为128×128,视差为24,窗口大小为7×7的仿真结果图,根据实验结果进行了分析总结,并与其它立体匹配方法进行比较并得出最终结论。
    关键词  FPGA 立体匹配 SAD算法 立体视觉
    Title    SAD-Based Strteo Matching Circuit for FPGAs     
    In this paper,the key problem in stereo vision,strteo matching the field programmable gate array(FPGA) is adopted,using the FPGA hardware assembly line techiques and parallelism to implement the resolution of 128×128 image preprocessing and sterep matching algorithm for stereo matching based on SAD (the
    Sum of Absolute Differences)parallax graphs.
      In view of the low region matching algorithm computation complexity,easy to use hardware acceleration technology advantage,based on the principle of stereo matching,the region matching is adopted in the implementation of the strteo matching.
    In this paper,the SAD algorithm to1caculate the absolute va;ue of the method is improved,and combining with the features of the FPGA parallel structure and assembly line techiques and realizes the algorithm of strteo matching based on SAD hardware structure of the research.
      Next, the hardware structure base on FPGA to realize strteo matching and the design and function of each module is introduced.Finally, the Quartus II has carried thesimulation of whole design.And it shows the relative size of 128×128,parallax simulation results for 24 figure and the window size for the 7×7,analyzed the n experimental results and other research results were compared and then get the corrsponding conclusions.
    Keywords  FPGA  strteo matching  the SAD algorithm  strtro vision
    目   次
     1  引言  1
     1.1 课题研究背景及意义   .1
     1.2 相关技术发展的相关历史及现状  2
     1.3 硬件开发平台介绍  3
     2  立体匹配算法  .7
     2.1立体匹配算法的分类  .7
     2.2 SAD算法的改进  10
     2.3 SAD算法的流程  10
     3 基于FPGA立体匹配的实现  .13
     3.1 SAD算法流程与模块设计  13
     3.2 结果分析  . 22
     结论  .24
     致谢  .25
     参考文献  .26
    1 引言
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义
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