    Title  The study on the distribution of the received power of visible light communication
    Visible light communication is a new means of communication, Based on extensive use of fourth-generation of environmentally friendly energy saving LED lighting. It attracts more intention because of its unique advantages and great prospect. This paper will study the optical power distribution of visible light communication.
    This paper, firstly, introduces the background knowledge, current development, Technical advantages and the system  components of visible light communication. Secondly, the paper discusses the illumination of lighting source, and then finds a best arrangement of LEDs by focusing on analyzing a variety of layout of lighting source. Thirdly, the paper researches two of factors which affect the distribution of received power of visible light communication: the lighting source and the channel model. In the part of lighting source, the paper emphasizes on analyzing the best LED array by comparing existing five different standards ;in the part of channel model , the paper studies on two channel model :the direct line of sight link and, and give a detailed comparison of  three common diffuse link  models. Finally, this paper gives the best layout of LED array according to the laboratory size in the school, and proposes solutions to improve the trough on the edge.
    Keywords Visible light communication, LED array, channel model, received power
     目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  可见光通信课题背景2
    1.2  可见光通信国内外研究情况3
    1.3  可见光通信技术优势及发展前景3
    1.4  本文主要研究内容5
    2  可见光通信系统构成5
    2.1  发射部分  6
    2.1.1  预处理编码与调制 6
    2.1.2  LED光源6
    2.2  传输部分6
    2.3  接收部分7
    2.4  本章小结7
    3  LED照度研究及光源排布研究8
    3.1  LED的发光特性8
    3.2  LED阵列排布研究8
    3.2.1  平面阵列与立体阵列分析9
    3.2.2  三种平面阵列分析11
    3.2.3  四种阵列分布分析14
    3.2.4  本章小结17
    4  光源光功率分布研究19
    4.1  光源分析19
    4.1.1  不同的朗伯系数对于LED发光的影响19
    4.1.2  两个LED间距分析20
    4.1.3  LED阵列间距分析20
    4.2  信道分析26
    4.2.1  直射式视距链路27
    4.2.2  漫射链路28
    4.3  本章小结31
    5  大房间LED阵列仿真研究32
    5.1  最佳阵列仿真32
    5.2  仿真分析34
    5.3  本章小结34
    结论35   致谢36
    1  绪论
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