    关键词  Android Arduino 蓝牙 数据采集与显示
    Title  The Design of Data Collection and Display System  of Bluetooth based on Android                      
    With the large-scale construction of 3G networks ,emerging of 4G networks and rapid spread of smartphones, mobile Internet era has arrived. Popularity of smartphones brings people great convenience in learning and life, and bluetooth is getting widespread concern around the world from more and more industry manufacturers and research institutes. By connecting bluetooth on smartphones equipped with android system with arduino microcontroller of intelligent hardware,this paper design a data collection and display system based on the popular android system. This system collects data via intelligent hardware microcontroller and use its Bluetooth module sends data, the data will then be displayed in the smartphone in the form of waveform,and it can be used as oscilloscopes within a certain range and give convenience to learning and life.
    Keywords  Android   Arduino   bluetooth data collection and display
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    2
    1.3  研究内容及安排    2
    2  Arduino、Android及蓝牙技术简介    3
    2.1  Arduino电子元器件    3
    2.2  Android操作系统    3
    2.3  蓝牙技术简介    4
    3  系统框架简介    6
    4  Android终端软件的设计与实现    7
    4.1  Windows下安卓开发环境的搭建    7
    4.2  安卓蓝牙的编程    8
    4.3  图形的绘画以及数据的显示    9
    4.4  波形的绘制、调整与数值读取    11
    5  Arduino硬件平台的设计与实现    14
    5.1  定时AD采集电压数据    15
    5.2  电平数据的编码    16
    5.3  蓝牙通信的实现    17
    6  功能展示    18
    6.1  蓝牙连接    18
    6.2  波形的显示与调整    21
    结论    28
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
    1.1.1  无线通信技术的发展
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