    关键词  单片机  直接数字频率合成  串口通信   增益控制
    Title          Programmable High Voltage Power Supply    
    This paper is designed for a programmable high voltage power which is used to drive the piezoelectric ceramic of the interferometers. In the interferometric test, we uses the nearly linear relation between the displacement of the piezoelectric ceramics and the voltage to control the displacement and the voltage of the piezoelectric ceramics.Finally achieves the purpose to control the optical distance. This paper designs a system which controls the high-voltage output via the control command sent by PC.
    This design uses the microcontroller STC89C51 which produced by Company TSMC as  control chip.By receiving control command which sent by PC, this design produces sinusoidal wave by taking control of DDS chips AD9850 which designed by Company ADI.The design controls the output via the gain control circuit and produce the needed high-voltage through the boosting transformer and the rectification circuit.This system uses a modular design which includes microcontroller control module,RS-232 serial communications module,DDS system module and high voltage power module.This paper compiles related softwares according to requirements of the function and provides software flow diagram.
    The power system possesses an exact output waveform and a rapid-response voltage amplitude parameters and conformances to requirements of technology parameters.
    Keywords  microcontrollers  DDS  Serial port communication  gain control
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  相关技术介绍    2
    1.3  主要研究内容    4
    2  方案论证    5
    2.1  程控电源的技术指标    5
    2.2  系统总体框图    5
    2.3  单片机的选择    6
    2.4  串口通讯方案的选择    7
    2.5  DDS方案的选择    7
    2.6  升压整流方案的选择    10
    2.7  PC控制方案的选择    11
    3  硬件设计    13
    3.1  STC89C51单片机控制模块设计    13
    3.2  RS-232串口通信模块设计    15
    3.3  DDS模块设计    17
    3.4  升压整流模块设计    21
    3.5  总电路图    22
    4  软件设计    23
    4.1  电压控制程序设计    24
    4.2  DDS芯片驱动程序设计    27
    4.3  PC和单片机通信协议    29
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