    摘要:不断降低发动机的排放和噪声污染,满足人们对环保的需求,并不断降低油耗,满足人们降低使用成本的目标,一直是发动机研究者和制造商们的追求。特别是随着国Ⅲ排放法规和限值的实施。研发人员除继续改进发动机排放性能外,对于其他影响发动机排放水平的诸多因素,也给予极大的关注。由于柴油机具有扭矩大,经济性能好等特点,因此广泛应用于汽车以及大型柴油设备上。目前,对柴油机进行ETC测试试验时,工厂中较多的是对转速和转矩分别进行PID参数整定,通过调整 参数来实现分别控制。但转速和转矩本身存在耦合关系,而且对油耗的控制要求越来越高。本课题是通过合理的算法,得到适当的油门开度α来控制转速,从而达到节能减排的目的。31975
    毕业论文关键词:ETC;  瞬态循环;  大数据
    Speed control system design ETC
    Abstract:Reduce the engine emissions and noise pollution so as to meet the people's demand for environmental protection and cut off fuel consumption and meet people's goal of reducing the use of cost has always been the pursuit of engine researchers and manufacturers. Especially as China Ⅲ emission regulations and the implementation of the limit. R & D personnel not only continue to improve the engine emission performance but also other factors that affect the engine emissions levels to give great attention. Because diesel engine has the characteristics of great torque and good economic performance, it is widely used in automobile and large diesel equipment. Nowadays, In the factory, the speed and torque are controlled by the PID parameters kp,ki,kd respectively for ETC test of diesel engine. But the speed and torque of the coupling relationship and the fuel consumption of the control requirements are increasingly high. The purpose of this thesis is to get the appropriate throttle opening to control the speed and achieve the energy saving and emission reduction by reasonable algorithm.
      For modeling of diesel engine is in order to better realize the speed control, this topic through establish reasonable model to realize accurate adjustment speed and the optimal control of fuel consumption. It has important engineering value and promotion prospects.
    Key words:ETC, transient cycle, big data
    摘要    2
    1.绪论    6
    1.1 ETC基本介绍    6
    1.2 课题介绍及意义    7
    1.3 智能控制发展    7
    1.4国内外研究现状    8
    1.4.1 特征模型发展    8
    1.4.2系统辨识发展    8
    1.4.3自适应控制发展    9
    1.4.4 ETC现状    9
    2.特征模型    11
    2.1特征模型的基本介绍    11
    2.2特征模型的特点    11
    2.3被控对象特征模型描述    12
    2.4智能特征建模    12
    2.4.1 智能特征建模简介    12
    2.4.2 智能特征建模在现实生活中的应用    12
    2.5特征模型的数学表达式    13
    2.5.1 全系数之和等于1    13
    2.6建立特征模型    14
    2.6.1 数据采集(整体数据见附录1)    14
    2.6.2数据分析    14
    2.6.3波形图    15
    2.6.4特征模型数学表达式    16
    2.7 本章小结    17
    3.参数辨识    18
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