    毕业论文关键词  结构光照明显微成像  分辨率增强   莫尔效应   四步移相法
    Title  Optical Microscopy Research Combining Structured Illumination                    
    Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is a kind of microscopy using  patterned illumination to achieve higher resolution than the microscopy using conventional illumination.The lateral resolution of the optical microscope with conventional illumination is fundamentally limited because of the finite wavelength of light.This limit was called Abbe diffraction limit ,which is about 200 nanometer. Although electron microscope can reach nanoscale resolution,it will destroy the samples.Optical microscopy can measure samples without contact or destruction.Thus, it is inevitable to exploit superresolution  optical microsopy ,and SIM is one of it.The principle of SIM is Moire effect. Measured sample pattern and illumination patterned intervene.The sample frequency can be mesured by the detected frequency of interference pattern and the known frequency of the illumination light.Thus,the resolution of the optical microscope can be improved nearly doubled.In this subject ,four-step phase-shifting algorithm is used to collect the images.Before doing processing to the collected images ,we do some simulation to campare the frequency shift method in frequency domain and spatial domain.Ultimately,the second one was chosed to reconstruct the images.
    Keywords    Structured illumination   Improving resolution          Moire effect              Image reconstruction
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1结构光照明显微研究背景与意义    1
    1.2结构光照明显微发展现状与应用    2
    1.3本课题主要内容与论文内容安排    3
    2  结构光照明提高显微分辨率原理    4
    2.1结构光照明提高横向分辨率原理    4
    2.2四步移相法之频域拼接    6
    2.3四步移相法之空域移频    9
    3  结构光照明提高显微分辨率实验系统    12
    3.1实验系统设计    12
    3.2实验器件说明    13
    4   图像数据处理    15
    4.1仿真    15
    4.2实验图像采集与处理    23
    5  全文总结及展望    26
    5.1本文所做的工作    26
    5.2下一步工作展望    26
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