    本文设计了一款基于单片机的地铁车站电子公告牌,当人们焦急等车时,电子公告牌可以显示出即将到来的车辆信息,使候车的人们有所准备。本设计采用STC 12C5A60S2单片机作为主控芯片,用16×16点阵作为显示界面,分别显示文字,实时时间,实时温度,且具有闹钟调节时间调节等功能。时钟用ds1302芯片作为时钟源,这样做可以节省大量单片机资源,使单片机工作的时候更为流畅。该系统可以显示变化的数字、文字等。用单片机作为系统的核心控制元件,实现电子广告牌的功能,同时也可以根据用户需求进行有关参数的设置。由于用的是点阵显示,效果比较绚丽,所以很受新一代青年欢迎。
    毕业论文关键字: 单片机;16×16点阵;电子公告牌
    Subway Station Electronic Bulletin Board System
    Abstract: In recent years, the use of LED display is increasing, ticket announcement, the number of flights, train waiting time, etc. all of these share information by using LED display. Evidently, the automatic system is an important part in the development of China’s rail transportation technology, also bring convenience for people.
    This design uses STC 12C5A60S2 single chip microcomputer as the main control chip, with a 16×16 dot matrix as the display interface, shows text, real time, real-time temperature, and has alarm clock adjustment, time adjustment and other functions. The clock uses ds1302 chip as clock source, this can save a lot of single chip microcomputer resources to make single chip microcomputer more smoothly when working. Because using a dot matrix display, the effect is beautiful, so it is popular with a new generation of young people.
    The design of the electronic bulletin board will be used for subway stops, when people wait for subways anxiously, electronic bulletin boards can show upcoming subway information to make the waiting people prepare.
    According to the requirements, this topic using single chip microcomputer to design a bulletin board to drive the subway station, can display the change number, text, etc. Using single chip microcomputer as the core control element system, realize the function of electronic billboards, at the same time according to user needs to carry out the relevent parameters settings.
    Keywords:  single chip microcomputer; 16×16 dot matrix; electronic bulletin board
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  本文的主要工作与内容安排    2
    2  硬件电路设计    3
    2.1  总体方案    4
    2.2  方案设计原则    4
        2.3  单片机的简介    4
        2.4 点阵的简介    6
    2.5  设计原理    7
    2.5.1  60s2管脚及其相关功能    7
    2.5.2  LED显示原理    8
        2.6  硬件电路方案设计    12
    3软件设计    17
    4  成果    27
    4.1  实物展示    27
    4.2  电路板调试    28
    5 总结    29
    致 谢    30
    参考文献    31
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究意义
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