    关键词  红外  微光  图像融合评价  噪声   目标探测概率
    Title    Detection probability characteristics of color infrared and low-light fusion image
    Image fusion can put the merits of different detection system together, getting the image information more effectively and improving the image resolution, improve the detection of target detection probability. However, to choose appropriate integration system and methods, we have to get information feedback, establish a reasonable evaluation system, thus we need to establish a suitable target probability of detection system to evaluate the quality of image.
    This paper mainly aims to analyze the imaging principle of infrared and low-light image and target characteristics at the integration of infrared and low-light image. at the same time ,we will add  different noise into images to test the ability of different fusion methods’ dealing with the noise, through  establishing evaluation index of noise impact on image quality, we can get the result of  image quality under the influence of different fusion methods in noise, and compare them with existing domestic detection probability model , test whether their results are consistent or not.
    Keywords  infrared low-light image  evaluation of fused image  noise target detection probability  
    目   次    I
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    图像融合技术的基本概念    1
    1.2    图像探测概率的基本概念    1
    1.3    融合图像探测概率发展现状与应用前景    1
    1.4    本论文的主要内容及工作    2
    2    图像融合及红外、微光图像的目标特性分析    3
    2.1    微光图像原理及特性分析    3
    2.2    红外目标特性分析    4
    2.3    图像融合方法    5
    3    噪声对融合图像的影响    10
    3.1    噪声对图像融合质量的影响    10
    3.2    噪声的分类    10
    3.3    添加噪声的输入图像    11
    3.4    评价噪声对融合图像质量影响的指标    13
    3.5    加入白噪声五种融合方案评价    16
    3.6    白噪声图像质量评价    19
    3.7    加入固定图案噪声五种融合方法    21
    3.8    固定图案噪声图像质量评价    23
    4    加入噪声后不同融合方法的探测概率    26
    4.1    图像质量因子    26
    4.2    噪声评价模型与探测概率模型一致性分析    28
    结  论    30
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