    最终的结果显示,优化后的铁氧体薄膜移相器在 (X波段62.5%的频带)的频段上插入损耗小于1dB,移相器的相移差平均为102 ,起伏不超过7 。
     毕业论文关键词  X波段  Ansoft HFSS  铁氧体材料    移相器                                       
    Title   The  simulation  and  design  of  ferrite  film         Phase  shifter  in  the  X-band                                  
    Phase shifter as key components in phased array radar antenna, by changing the phase distribution on the antenna aperture beam scanning, the size, performance and cost of the radar is very important.In this paper, the phase of design of adjustable phase shifter through additional magnetic field changes of ferrite magnetic permeability, can make a big difference to the phase velocity of electromagnetic wave to get the amount of phase shift is different.Design work mainly include the following: (1) according to the theory to calculate the related parameters of ferrite thin film phase shifter, design a YIG (YIG) as substrate, GGG (gadolinium gallium garnet) as the epitaxial sink material of ferrite thin film phase shifter.Phase shifter center frequency of 10 GHZ, insertion loss is less than 1 db (2) to the simulation of phase shifter, on the basis of theoretical analysis and optimization, the greater range of phase shift.Results show that the optimized ferrite film phase shifter in 62.5% (x-band frequency band) on the spectrum of insertion loss is less than 1 db, the differential phase shift phase shifter for an average of 102 , and no more than 7 .
    Keywords  The x-band  Ansoft HFSS   phase shifter
    目   次
    1   引言 1
      1.1  研究背景及意义 1
        1.2  移相器的发展及国内外研究现状  1
        1.3  论文结构安排4         
    2    微带铁氧体薄膜移相器的理论基础6
      2.1  铁氧体材料基础理论6
      2.2  微带线的基础理论 8
      2.3  铁氧体移相器设计分析10
    3   铁氧体薄膜移相器的设计 12
      3.1  铁氧体薄膜移相器的基本思路12
      3.2  设计目标  13
    4   铁氧体薄膜移相器的分析和优化  14
      4.1   HFSS软件的介绍  14
      4.2   材料的选择及结构参数  14
      4.3   微带线尺寸计算  14
        4.4   建模及仿真  15
      4.5   分析及优化  19
    结论  32
      参考文献  33
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