

    本论文先从介绍FPGA电路重构进行入手,明确FPGA的电路重构技术,并运用数字显示电子时钟及18路智力竞赛抢答器两个应用电子系统来阐明电路重构技术。设计出硬件电路图,并通过Quartus II进行编译和仿真,得出最终结果。分析FPGA重构技术的配置方案,选择低成本、低消耗、性价比高的配置。对单片机存贮器重配置的设计进行较详细的说明,并画出硬件图。


    毕业论文关键词: FPGA  重构技术  单片机

    Design for Electronic system based on FPGA circuit reconfiguration technology


    Nowadays, human civilization is rapidly developed, and scientific technology are also progress constantly. The programmable logic device slowly came into people's eyes. FPGA integrated the advantages of various programming device which has got people’s attention and is widely used in practical applications.

    This paper first begins with the introduction of FPGA circuit reconfiguration . It makes circuit reconstruction technology of FPGA very clear,and the use of digital display electronic clock and 18 way quiz responder two the application of electronic system to clarify circuit reconfiguration.Design the hardware circuit diagram, the final results is got by the Quartus II of compile and simulation. In addition, this paper analyzes the allocation plan of FPGA circuit reconfiguration in order to choose an allocation plan which have a low cost, low consumption and a high cost performance. On chip memory reconfiguration design were detailed description, and draw the diagram of hardware.

    This paper includes 27 figures, 4 tables and 25 references.

    Key words:  FPGA  Reconfiguration Technology  SCM 

    目  录

    摘要 Ⅰ

    Abstract Ⅱ

    目录 Ⅲ

    图清单 Ⅴ

    表清单 Ⅴ

    1 课题研究介绍 1       

    1.1FPGA的简介 1

    1.2重构技术概述 2

    2 FPGA配置方案的选择与设计 4

    2.1 微型计算机配置FPGA的方案 4

    2.2 专用配置芯片配置FPGA的方案 5

    2.3采用单片机程序配置FPGA 6

    2.4 采用CPLD在线配置FPGA的配置方案 8

    2.5 FPGA配置下载方式的介绍 9

    2.6 配置引脚定义和功能 9

    3 FPGA电路结构可重配置系统硬件设计11

    3.1 单片机在线下载配置FPGA的流程11

    3.2 MCU电路及存储器电路12

    3.3 FPGA电子时钟硬件设计13

    3.4 FPGA18路电子抢答器硬件设计14

    3.5 系统总体硬件电路图15

    4 FPGA电路结构可重配置系统模块设计 16

    4.1 Quartus II简介16

    4.2 基于FPGA电子时钟软件模块设计与仿真16

    4.3 基于FPGA18路抢答器的软件模块设计与仿真25

    4.4 FPGA数据的下载29

    4.5 单片机语言的编写29

    4.6 数据的下载过程31

    5 总结 32

    参考文献 33

    致谢 35


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图1-1 FPGA动态可重构原理图 3

    图1-2 FPGA静态可重构原理图 3

    图2-1 PS和JTAG的配置方式连接图 5

    图2-2 EPC芯片配置FPGA接线图

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