    Train-ground communication modes of comparative study
    Abstract: Through the comparative study of train-ground communication modes, to find what is suitable for high speed railway communications technology, then to achieve reduced driving time interval, and increase the number of traffic, thereby improving the transportation efficiency. In this paper,We communicate the train-ground communication history and develop trend, and make a presentation on the train-ground communication theory to the analysis of the communication process modeling. This paper describes the current main vehicle to communicate the way, including transponders, track circuits, GSM-R, the wireless method of adjusting the column were analyzed their part, working principle and so on. Depth study of the vehicle to communicate techniques work well in practice the situation, and then by comparing the major technical indicators, such as bandwidth capabilities, the transmission rate, anti-jamming capability, system complexity, difficulty of technical architecture, security and other aspects, advantages and disadvantages of various aspects of the comparison, and then make the appropriate analysis to find means of communication for high-speed railway, and finally describes the GSM-R network design project.
    Keywords: Train-ground communication;Track circuit;GSM-R;Train radio dispatching;Technical index

    目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究铁路信号系统中车地通信的目的和意义    1
    1.2    车地通信的发展趋势    2
    1.3    本章小结    3
    2    动车组车地通信技术    4
    2.1    应答器    4
    2.1.1    应答器的分类    4
    2.1.2    应答器的工作原理    4
    2.1.3    应答器的用途    5
    2.2    GSM-R通信系统    6
    2.2.1    GSM-R系统结构    6
    2.2.2    GSM-R功能特点    7
    2.3    无线列调    7
    2.3.1    无线列调的分类    7
    2.3.2    无线列调系统组成    8
    2.3.3    无线列调系统功能    9
    2.3.4    无线列调的数据传输    9
    2.4    轨道电路    9
    2.4.1    无线列调的数据传输    9
    2.4.2    轨道电路原理    10
    2.4.3    轨道电路分类    10
    2.4.4    轨道电路工作状态    11
    2.4.5    轨道电路应用    11
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