


    The Design of Wideband DC Amplifier

    Abstract: In this paper on the basis of other theories of amplifier for reference and research, design of broad band amplifier at all levels mainly by amplifying module, digital to analog conversion module, gain adjusting module, and several other functional modules. The system of microprocessor AT89C51 and gain automatic adjusting unit selection for AD603 device with preset and gain programmable function, can realize 5 dB step spacing adjusted continuously, and the gain does not exceed the negative 20 dB to 60 dB range. In the frequency band width below 10 MHz, the gain fluctuation is not more than 1 db. The main operation process of the system is now to the amplifier output signal demodulation processing, again by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) the change to digital signals can be combined with the SCM, automatic gain control, by changing the parameters of the components and the use of parallel, cascade, can make the total output signal reaches the requirements of magnification and high stability and reliability.

    Key Words: Amplifiers; Gain control; AD603

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 2

    1.宽频带放大器的背景与研究 2

    1.1概述 2

    1.2宽频带放大器的应用前景 2

    1.3课题研究 2

    2.系统模块的总设计 3

    2.1宽频带放大器的理论基础 3

    2.2主要模块与电路 3

    2.3系统框图设计 5

    3.理论分析与计算 6

    3.1宽带增益积 6

    3.2通频带内增益起伏控制 6

    3.3线性相位 7

    3.4抑制直流零点漂移 7

    3.5改善放大器的稳定性 7

    4.硬件设计 8

    4.1跟随模块的设计 8

    4.2差分放大电路的设计 8

    4.3增益控制电路的设计 9

    4.4补偿电路的设计 9

    4.5后级功率放大电路的设计 9

    4.6各级增益控制的设计 10

    4.7通频带选择模块的设计 10

    4.8程控放大电路的设计 10

    4.9电源模块的设计 10


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